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Date Posted: 12:32:28 07/08/12 Sun
In reply to: SpyHackGrouP 's message, "How To hack Gmail / yahoo / Hotmail passwords SpyHackGrouP" on 11:36:59 01/04/09 Sun

Wanting to know your friends email password or is your girlfriend having an secret affair or is your partner cheating you or maybe do you want to know what your child is doing online... for all the answers you only require their email password and you will find the truth.

• To start of... this is no money making scam service like many present today
• We would be Retrieving the Target Email Password for you & provide you suitable proofs.
• Once you are convinced that we have the access, you can select your preferred mode of payment.
• As soon as the payment is realized, you can have the working password within minutes.

There is no chance of cheating because you don’t need to send any money until you are well satisfied with the proofs provided by us (a snapshot of your target`s inbox, sent items, contact list or even a copy of your mails that you have sent to the person).

Unlike our competitors, we have a fixed fee which is 100USD.

BEAWARE OF SCAMMERS - they write on their website the word "MINIMUM" which means that you belive that you will be charged with 100USD but the scammers increase the fee , so you end up by paying them 200-250 or even 300USD for a damn password.



Some Salient Features Of The Services.

1) The prices is $100USD per account.
2) We will mail you in 1-3 days with the status of your request. If we have successfully Cracked it , we will send you the appropriate proof !
3) The person of whose account is cracked will never suspect anything and you will get the same password which is currently in use by the owner of the account (it will not be reseted nor changed).
4) Please do not mail us asking to do it for FREE no matter what the reason. We will simply delete such mails.
5) Orders send using proxy or dummy accounts are not entertained.

The fee is a very small price to pay for breaking into someone's privacy.
Do not mail us if you do not agree with the above stated rules.

Just go on our website and submit your request. Follow a simple procedure and you are done.
You can send a request via email to ghostgroup.inc@gmail.com with the following content:

1. Target Email
2. Target Name
3. Your Name:
4. Your Country:
5. Reason why you need this kind of service
6. Your preffered method of payment (paypal, westernunion, moneygram or moneybookers):

You don`t have to pay anything in advance, but please submit genuine requests only, if you can not afford the money than please do not contact us and do not waste our time with a fake / test / bogus request.

We will contact you after the password is hacked and we will send you some screenshots from inside of your target`s account as proof that we have done the job - there is no way to be cheated



Hack-Email-Password Hack-Mail-Account Hacking-Hotmail-Passwords
Hotmail-Password-Recovery Hotmail-Password-Stealer Fraud-Investigation
Online-Password-Hack Password-Hacking Password-Hacker Hack-Yahoo-Password
Yahoo-Password-Hacker Yahoo-Password-Hack Crack-Yahoo-Password

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