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Subject: Relief in sight.

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Date Posted: 12:19:56 08/09/01 Thu

Cooler and 80 for the weekend. I can't wait Ihave a hard time enjoying the summer inside. Well it's moving weekend for 2 of the Abels. Beth is moving back to UD on Friday (a little early-she must be anxious for school to start or maybe she misses the action on campus??) Collin is moving home-his roommate's girlfriend decided to move in, so he decided it's time for him to save money for a house. Where else can he live free and save money but mom and dad's. I guess he'll take Beth's room. We are glad to have him back. Him and Ryan add much excitement. I guess that means we will now have a dog in the house. Collin bought a choc. lab puppy about a month ago.-"Smoky"
Congrats to Marty, Jeff and Kristi on your exams. St. Paul's softball team & The Abels men won the church tourney and went the season undefeated. Now they will try their luck at the MD tourney. Everyone take care.

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