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Subject: Happy labor day

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Date Posted: 13:40:33 08/29/01 Wed

Belated Happy Birthday to Kristy and Happy Birthday to Jessica and Lee and Oh Yes Happy Anniversary to Linda and Joe. Hope you got good news on the van. I'm glad my moving days are over for dorms since I did most of the moves without Jim's help.
Allison and the girs spent Wed thru Sun with us while Joe was in Wisc. We went shopping, to the park and the oxon hill Farm where Allison got to milk a cow for the first time. Kid of pales in comparison to all the other exciting things people were doing. The girls were good and we had a good visit. Joe didn't bring home a Va win for us. With Womack out for most of the season things don't look good.Marty was all excited about the game too but he didn't get to watch a lot. Some unknown person knocked on his door and asked him if he could help her, there was a lady on the bottom of the pool-- and sure enough there was. He raced down 3 flights of stairs, undressing as he went, dove into 10ft of water and pulled her out and tried to do CPR until the EMT'S got there. But she didn't make it he heard later. Hopeflly they'll let him know the results of the autopsy. That's the 2nd time in his life he has had to pull someone off the bottom. Not a way to celebrate your B'day. and it was hard on his newly operated knee. He's going to physical therapy. Julie said she had a flat tire and had to walk home from the Safeway in 113 degree heat, but other than that everone was fine--She's just traveling a lot. Jim and I went to the country on Monday and mowed and pulled weeds and watched them repave the road The road is better but you better not get of the edge or you'll be in deep trouble. Hope Ed and Marylee had a good vacation. Did Ryan beat Chaminade? What kind of a schedule does he have this year? With the Redskins and Va. being very suspect I need to adopt new teams and focuses. Jim is going to C'ville this weekend for the richmond game and I'll be here with John. Mr Frazier's mother-in law died today so I've got a zucchini cake in the oven for them--Guess I better go check on it before it burns. Have a safe Holiday weekend.

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