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Date Posted: 05:11:36 09/19/01 Wed

Well, it's Wednesday and I still don't think I'm back in the groove yet. Our trip was great! The terrorists acts on Tuesday definitely gave us a different perspective of traveling out of the USA. We had additional waits and inspection at the border but not near as bad as we anticipated. On Tuesday morning we had walk over the bridge to the NY side to see the falls from that side. When we came back we had some difficulty getting back into Canada and about 15 minutes after we got over they closed the border for the remainder of the day. Not sure what we would have done if we would have been stuck over there. But all in all it was a relaxing and enjoyable vacation. We did all the sight seeing on a tour which was a good idea. We did the cable car over the whirlpool, journey behind the falls and took a boat right up to the falls..needed raincoats for those last two. On the way home we stopped in Toledo and had dinner with Kevin and Kent. That was great too! Took them out for a few needed staples afterwards and then headed home. The last few days of our vacation we spent trying to get our house rearranged so we can accomodate all our children on their visits. Kristy and Jessica were home over the weekend. Jessica had a friends bachlorette party. Other than that it was just to make a much needed visit to the grand and great grandparents. Well, I am still behind in my work so I better get going. Hope everyone is having a good week.

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