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Date Posted: 10:14:27 11/05/01 Mon

Wow, hard to believe it is November already. Time is flying..guess it is time to start thinking about the holidays...but the Saturday football games make it hard to get out shopping. It was my girlfriends weekend to go shopping but I had to decline so I could go to the game. Guess we are heading to our old stomping grounds this weekend. Larry...have the party supplies ready..ha, ha! Joe and I decided we needed to check out and see if our names are still on our seats from way back when or have they renovated since the 1980s. Guess we will find out what we are made of when we play #1 in our region.

The boys were home for the weekend and Kristy was home for Sunday. Had Mom over for lunch and then Joe and I went over and did her leaves and mowed her grass. I think one more leaf raking we hopefully be it for that...the grass is hard telling.

Kristy is done with her first rotation at her general practice office. She got good reviews from her docs and the residents she was working with. Now she has a week of Pharmacology and a week of orientation then she is off to her ER rotation. She said her timing for that couldn't be worse with the holidays coming up and not knowing what kind of days she can get off. She has to work at least 2 weekends so she is not sure what will happen there.

Jessica is doing some substituting each week and the other days she continues working at the daycare. She isn't liking the real world of paying bills and trying to keep up with them. She is starting to agree that no mail is good because at least that means no bills. But I think she is enjoying living in Columbus.

Guess Monica is getting ready to move too...isn't that in November? That will be exciting. Congrats to Ryan and the Bolts for making the playoffs...sorry you sting didn't last longer. Now it's time to concentrate on basketball.

Well Halls do you have everything cleaned up at the 2nd home. I'm sure with the garden and leaves that is a job. We have luck out here in Ohio with some nice weekend weather..although I guess when you're retired that doesn't matter, right Jim.

Well, Carrie and Chris, we were wondering if you got to enjoy your anniversary weekend at Naples or not with the weather you have been having down there. We hope so, but if not I hope you had a wonderful anniversary anyway.

Lee...haven't heard from you except for that one blurp but I haven't been seeing my kids on here either but I know Kristy and Jessica don't access to the internet like they use to.

Everybody have a good week...MaryLee and Ed enjoy your visit in Florida.

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