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Subject: Almost Christmas

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Date Posted: 06:12:57 12/06/01 Thu

Hi Family

Hope all is well and your presents are bought, wrapped and hidden. Chris and I plan to shop this weekend. We got a good start by utilizing the internet. You can't beat it. Since the airlines are not allowing gifts on the airplanes, we will have to send everything. Most internet sites have free shipping and gift wrap!! We are so ready to come home and see everyone. Especially Anna and Erica. Mom said Anna is a real talker.

The beach vacation sounds great. Mom, are we going?

I'm sure the Abels are enjoying basketball season. Good luck to Ryan and Collin. Monica, during Christmas be sure to tell Chris how much you love Chicago!! I would like to move there.

How about the Buckeye's. Has Columbus accepted coach tressel b/c he beat Michigan? Have they deemed him successful?

I thought that Chris and I would take it easy this weekend. Our first weekend without visitors in weeks. ( not that I'm complaining). Chris' friend Mike, from San Diego, is in town. He was in our wedding. One thing is for sure, no partying for me. My best friend Amy and her hushand came out last weekend. We tied one on. Can't do it anymore!! Hangover is too much!!

Which day does St Nick come? I can't remember

Take care. Carrie

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