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Subject: What a Wonderful Holiday

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 15:01:59 12/26/01 Wed

well the good times are over and now it is back to work for some of us. We had many good times in the 5 days Carrie and Chris were home,from having are pictures taken and the pizza and beer are visit to New Bremen and dinner at Dennis and Rita's.The great party at Linda's and great games I vote for you next year and seeing and visiting with everyone.Christmas Eve Mass Ed did a great job on the harmonica again even though he was nervous and made me nervous, Mom and all the kids here for Christmas Eve I got some great gifts rotisserie oven by George Fourman, boots,perfume,sweater, pictures,purse and pj's.
Now to start the clean up and do the laundry.
Carrie and Chris left on time at 4 on Christmas no problems at Dayton they were a little delayed at St. Louis but Carrie said they crawled into bed at 12;05 and were up for a busy day a little cool there only in the 60's she said she probably have to use here space heater.
The [people were still crazy at Wal-Mart today shopping like crazy I hope they keep it up through January the February 8 I'm off for the warm weather of Florida and a visit to Carrie and Chris's. Carrie and I are going to look for cheap fare to Florida in April or early May and I may take mom there for a long weekend for I won't have much vacation time then.
Well I hope everyone has recovered from the holiday and I hope everyone had as good a Christmas as I did.

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