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Subject: Back in Maryland

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Date Posted: 07:26:37 04/10/02 Wed

I got home about midnight last night, it was puring rain here. The drive to Columbus was dry, very overcast skies. The ck engine light was on all the way. They weren't concerned at the rental place, said that meant it needed the oil changed. There were only 60 people on the plane so seating wasn't a problem.
I didn't get mom's grass cut because it rained all day Mon. and she said it was still too wet on Tues. The plumber came by and took a look at her bathroom and said he could do it and he'd get back to her with a estimate. The cuckoo clock repair only lasted 24 hrs then it went crazy again. It keeps good time but it strikes too many times and it always does it at 10 after the hour and 10 after the half hour.. She had me call Thobe the Tv dealer in St. Rose. he still sells and services tv's, unless he wins the lottery soon, He has Zenith consoles on the floor, if I remember correctly, he said 599 for a 25"( Which is about what she has now) and 899 for a 27" console. he sells or orders what you want but not JVC brand and he sells the stands too. She opted to not go and look until she hears the estimate on her bathroom. She was always c/o her bowels, I know she's always been a bit obsessed about that issue but it worries me since I saw Jim's mom with those complaints and saw all the laxatives around. But she didn't want to hear bout me calling the Dr. and asking to arrange some tests. She was also always rubbing her leg, and when I questioned her about it, she said it was habit but she was rubbing it in with cream. I checked on the cost of celebrex and it is 79.00 for 30 pills so I imagine she won't get them filled. I wonder since she doesn't have the house any more if she is eligible for Medicaid or if she still has too much money. Medicaid covers perscriptions.
It was good seeing everyone, thanks for all the hospitality and I'll be invading Ohio again for graduation.

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