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Subject: Greetings from FL

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Date Posted: 05:42:46 11/14/02 Thu

Hi Family

Hope all is well. The Lentz's are doing fine. We've been busy cleaning closets and donoting old furniture and stuff to the salvatation army to make room for baby. All we have to do now is buy a crib and a changing table.

We have lamaze this Saturday and Sunday. I'm excited to check out the hospital. My last experience with a hospital was very unpleasant.

Hope Phyllis and Grandma are enjoying the warm weather. It's been unseasonably warm here. I would prefer some cold weather. For once in my life I'm hot blooded and it's 90 degrees outside.

Chris' sister and parents are coming for Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to seeing them. Evie was out in July for a visit. We haven't see Chris' parents since February. Chris is planning another fishing excursion for his Dad's birthday. I guess the girls will do some shopping.

The Abels got to see a good OSU football game. Hope Alan and Lee see a victory as well. We've been hanging our Buckeye flag proudly each Saturday. We've gotten a little lip from our Hurricane neighbors.


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