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Subject: Hail to the Champions

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Date Posted: 08:15:26 01/05/03 Sun

Congratulations to all the Buckeye fans, I'm sure all the OSU flags are flying high and proud. It tookthem a long time to win it and I managed to watch it all to the very end. I wore my shirt Fr night and all day Sat. Larry must have been a very good boy this year, to get such a good B'day present.
Happy New Year to all. I guess the next good news will be the arrival of Carrie's baby. I know most of you are at Amy's shower today having a good time. Jim is at the country taking down the dock Xmas tree and gathering poles and chairs etc for the Fla trip.I guess he'll leave 1/16 to drivedown. I don't know yet when I'll be down because I only asked for 2 weeks off because we only had reservations for 2 weeks when I had to turn in my leave slip. I've asked for Fri and Mon off for Amy's wedding and made our plane reservations but our plane leaves at 6:30 am Monday from Columbus. I was wondering if their was couch room at any of the Columbus residents living quarters, if not I'll check with the Dayton residents.

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