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Subject: We need some rain

Phyllis Hall
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Date Posted: 08:40:25 05/08/01 Tue

Last week was a little too warm for us. We resisted turning on the air. Sat night was really the only bad"humid" night. I love these dry days but the flowers and gardens really need some water. Jim went to the country yesterday. He said 3 of our hollyhock plants died and all of the zucchini plants died, but the rest seemed to be doing okay.
Joe and family spent the weekend with us. They had a shower in Baltimore on Sat. They also took Morgan to the aquarium. We met Dr. Werner and his wife for brunch on Sunday. They looked well in spite of their new health problems. He recently had an angioplasty because of chest pains. They were in Italy when her brother died unexpectantly, so they had to come back. Then a few days later he started with the chest pains. So as he said, her brothers death probably saved his life. She, too now has diabetes. When you get to be our age, unfortunately most of the conversation revolves around our medical problems. I guess the it beats the next plateau which is probably deaths and funerals.
John got his 1st cavity filled without being put to sleep. He did very well. His gums are very inflamed probably from improper hygiene and medication. I brought over to the house staff last eve. an electric toothbrush and some Peroxyl to put on his gums with 2x2's, he swallows everything so rinsing won't work.
I treated myself to some new uniforms yesterday. I was getting pretty tired of wearing my old ones. They don't seem to wear out, just get smaller.
Hope all students ace their exams. Happy Mother's day to all the Moms.


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