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Subject: Good Mothers day Weekend

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 17:56:20 05/13/01 Sun

Hello everyone back from are first camping excursion of the summer had a little rain on Friday night and it was a little cool on Saturday but a good day Alan and the girls came out and Lee and Shannon we had chicken and a few beverages if Carrie and Chris could have been there it would have been perfect maybe some year. We came home and went to Osgood church to fine out who our new priest would be Fr. Zink then went back out for lunch packed up and came home then to Coldwater to see mom Ed planted some flowers and moved a bush had some pizza and then came home Alan and the girls were here they had rode their bikes here so we played some ball and visited awhile talked to Carrie and now its time to ready myself for tomorrow we take over the new store and start to set up I thought I would get to stay in the old store till the first of June but I got a call this morning telling me to report to the new store.
I heard the
cavs baseball team didn't do well in the tourney but I saw a Knap in the pole vault resuts for the MAC.
Glad to hear we have more Hall's on line I,ve been e-mailing Julie she sent me pictures of their New Orleans trip nice to see the kids and Marty and Susan and Julie. I have a few flowers to plant yet I hope to do that tomorrow night if its not raining. Haven't heard from you Kristy but I'm sure your studying your little----off so your forgiven Congrad to Jessica now the real world. Talk to everyone soon

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