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Subject: Hello to everyone

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Date Posted: 15:45:27 06/05/01 Tue

Can you believe it's the Abels?? Larry's still working many hours-says he's working till 10 p.m. tonight and then going to Ryan's basketball game. Getting ready to go on vacation on Sat.-our 27th year at the Lake and it's still tons of fun. Ryan's playing basketball every night at Fairmont for 10 days and then he'll play at Beavercreek in another league. Collin's thrilled school's out and he even passed Ryan. (not that it was a problem.) Now Ryan is hoping he gets him for Am. Gov. next year. Collin's starting his Masters on June 25 for 6 weeks (4 classes) then he starts football practice. Good thing he's doing vacation with us.
Monica's been in Dayton the last couple of weeks. It's nice for a change. Beth is working 2 jobs and also does some babysitting for my sister when her sitter is on vacation. Kristi-we will keep you in our prayers, but believe you're do fine without them.
Linda & Mary Lee- if your mom needs ways to and from the airport, let us know. We'll be gone from 6/9-16. Just let us know. Ryan's here during the day to take her.
Everyone take care and pray we have good weather next week.

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