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Subject: Re: Diary Entry

Barrington J. Cuthbert esq.
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Date Posted: 16:47:41 08/04/04 Wed
Author Host/IP: hide-138.nhs.uk/
In reply to: doug 's message, "Diary Entry" on 14:16:05 08/03/04 Tue

oh Douglas how wonderful to see the disco advertised in such elementary fashion.

come within a ten mile radius of the house and I'll have that stuff of you and Rod Hull up the broadband within seconds. yes we have new windows i bought them from a shop with a credit card, something you'll never have with your cash in front and 'on tic' stuff.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Diary Entry

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Date Posted: 18:12:24 08/05/04 Thu
Author Host/IP: host217-45-134-34.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

The wife looks lovely.
May I enquire as to whether she would be available for amourous encounters (on loan) in exchange for a large bottle of Famous Grouse?
Mind you, it's an old picture. Maybe she's only worth a naggin by now.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Diary Entry

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Date Posted: 20:42:39 08/05/04 Thu
Author Host/IP: host81-156-51-202.range81-156.btcentralplus.com/

Dear Patrick,

thank you for your kind offer, however, that woman is no longer my wife. She belongs to a flash-harry and a shit called Barry. He's the sort with no pride. He'd have you round there if he thought you were up for swapping your wife. Car keys in a bowl, that kind of lark. That said, he'd have your knees off if he thought you'd scratched his car keys. Personally, I have more dignity than that. My wife and I spend many pleasurable moments together. She'll tell you. On second thoughts, don't ask. I don't want you waving your mucky grouse around for a dip in her draws. She's a respectable woman with health issues. and agoraphobia.


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[> [> Subject: Re: Diary Entry

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Date Posted: 20:37:02 08/05/04 Thu
Author Host/IP: host81-156-51-202.range81-156.btcentralplus.com/

Yes, hello Barry,

nice to see you found my Whisky forum. Firstly, may I assure you I only happened to be in the neighbourhood. I was in Margate for business reasons.

How is Deidre?

I've no doubt you got the promotion. Inspector now. Well done. You can brag about your windows to your crooked colleagues.
Did you get a discount on the windows from Shaw Taylor? Oh no, he only does the Nationwide Awnings ads now. Apart from which, he's a friend of mine from when I was on Pebble Mill. I may not have appeared on camera, but he seemed to like my warm-up routine. We had a rapport. He'd bring you down a peg or two if he were back in the force.
You're a crooked twat, Cuthbert. twat. twat. twat. That's you all over. Don't think I don't laugh at you with your fancy car and your Italian suits, because I do. Lots. Lots of laughs. Can't stop. There's nothing you've got that I'm jealous of. I'm perfectly happy with my wife. You did me a favour. You total and utter bastard shit.

Now if you don't mind, this is a whisky forum. So if you'll be so kind, piss off. You shit. You total and utter shit.

Kind regards and dignity intact,


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