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Subject: Jolly roger

Miss brunette coleman
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Date Posted: 00:14:02 05/02/05 Mon
Author Host/IP: 82-35-96-203.cable.ubr05.dals.blueyonder.co.uk/
In reply to: miss brunette coleman 's message, "oh this place is deserted, needs a bit of the 'brunette' magic" on 00:09:54 03/21/05 Mon

My dear Whisky Den,
Quite frankly my magic is not working, it must be because I am at sea. The Captain thought it best we set sail for a while, he is acting very out of sorts, something is amiss I fear the worst. There is a problem with the engine. I believe it to be the deck hands and their damn tomfoolery, they are so sly the little foxes. I haven't seen one pirate yet I am deeply dissapointed. Have befriended a lobster called Bertie he was to be lunch on Tuesday but I just couldn't bring myself to...the chef was indeed rattled by this arrangement but the thought of him bubbling away, poor fello so I saved him. I think I may be losing my marbles. If I get stranded on a small desert island, will you come and resu me. Is that a shark? I must dash, darn those pesky midgets,
Yours Sin-cerely

There is nothing to do on this damn ship and Im tired of doing it, Ive read all the interesting books i bought.If a see another prawn cocktail I will jump over board. I feel generally shat upon I am beginning to loath sea life. Well this will never do, I promise to be generally more up beat next time and hopefully on dry land, my guess in the garden sunhat, lounger, martini safely at hand and a good novel in the other, stilettos firming on the ground not a drop of water in sight, I feel my mood lifting already. chin chin.
All yours, Bx

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[> [> Subject: My ship has come in

Miss B Coleman
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Date Posted: 21:37:40 08/02/05 Tue
Author Host/IP: 82-35-96-203.cable.ubr05.dals.blueyonder.co.uk/

The engine blew up and the ship did sink, we were recued by Pirates...Argentinian Drug Barons cruising by, Sinbad.... ones imagination does tend to wonder when at sea. They were mere fishermen with real legs no wooden stumps, hooks, eye patches or parrots. I was tempted by one young fisherman fello', to go below deck just to spite the 'Captain' as he was already planning to buy a bigger boat - sounds like fun but my sea life has expired. I have an invitation to Ascot and plan to win copious amounts of money. The 'Captain' will go off sailing and I will play poker till dawn with any fello I chose........to feel a manly grasp again.......
Brunette x

Have taken to listening to the shipping forecast, the drone is somewhat soothing, reminds me of the 'Captain'. I hope he fares well No news for weeks. Maybe he's been swallowed by a whale.

Miss Brunette Coleman x

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