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Date Posted: 17:20:23 10/12/01 Fri
Author: Mariel
Subject: I have returned and I am saddened.

I don't know if you remember me- my email used to be Raindropmouse. I
used to belong to April Island a year or two ago. I was Raindrop, Mariel,
and several other names. I'm just emailing to say that April Island has
become a ghost site. No one ever goes there anymore. Sundew and I went back
to visit and it is no longer fun- it is not frequented enough. The king you
picked really sucks. Please see if you can do anything about this. I will
help out if necessary-I would like April Island to be live and kickin' again.
I wanted to email this Seabreeze person but he still hasn't changed the
email to his! Now don't tell me that doesn't suck.
Mariel Mouse

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[> It's almost winter! -- Mariel, 17:57:10 12/17/01 Mon

Please tell me: Why do you not fix this goddamn site? I know that both Sundew and I were ready to come back for some good old Redwall fun, and this site is dead. If you want some help, just ask. My suggestion is, to change to another server. Angelfire sucks. Email me and I will help you. At one point I had a Redwall site in progress myself, and I still have missions to be done, etc., still unused. I will help, and I'm sure Sundew will to, to restore April Island to its old grandeur and greatness, if only you would be so kind as to put effort into it.
Mariel Mouse

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