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Date Posted: 05:05:27 11/21/02 Thu
Author: Bull
Subject: Re: Oi Caro
In reply to: Caro 's message, "ermmmmmmmm Pekat?" on 21:33:32 11/18/02 Mon

Just wanted to say you are one amazing woman.

For what its worth, you know I stuck at AM's side when most others didnt.

I haven't taken any sides on this... if they exist that is, my post was for one reason.

I believe she has become a nasty and bitter.

Don't ask me why, I have no idea.... I simply got sick to death of her coming out and deliberately berating and insulting people in a totally UNPROVOKED manner.

The Anne-Maree I used to know would never have done that and would certainly have berated any person that did.

She used to be someone I used to laugh with and I honestly ALWAYS found her online company fantastic.

I now find her just nasty... thats all.


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[> [> [> [> Hey, Bull? -- Caro, 14:56:02 11/24/02 Sun

Thanks, but I don't think the compliment was necessary, even though it's very much appreciated.

I realize you've stuck by lots of people, including Sugar, more then once, more then a dozen million times and it shocked me as much as others to read that you'd had enough of Sugar's antics.

You've even forgiven little ol' me for blowing up publically at you a few times. Lord knows I'm fired up on some things, sometimes.. well, erm... lots of times... LOL
I'm just glad we are passed that and that we can just be "friends across the internet pond"

PS I'd like to grab you by the Bull horns someday... LMAO!

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