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Date Posted: 15:47:56 02/17/03 Mon
Author: rosemary
Subject: Woe owe owe thyme

*sigh* I'm so down on my luck. The washer, dryer and dog all died at the same time. But I just threw them all on the front porch figuring its okay because the snow's too deep for the neighbors to see anyhow. Besides, if they complain, frig 'em. That's why they invented tall grass, to hide whatever garbage we throw out into the yard.

Money's tight because I seem to lack the lazy immoral mentality required to defraud the government for a free handout like so many of my depressed inbred online companions.

Unfortunately, I can't in good conscience bitch about how "the boss man is depriving me my right to work" after I put in the ridiculously few state mandated hours each month before getting myself fired for showing up stoned, getting caught stealing the client list to start my own pipedream online marketing service, or just saying I couldn't make it in because my daughter, the one armed crackhead, totalled the family rust bucket for the fourteenth time this year and all the rest of the ones in the yard don't run no more.

Happily, my spouse got tired of hearing me shit on the world and moved out so I don't have to hear bitching about needing to behave like a respectable member of society for once in my sorry life. But I figure I could always get by like everybody else online and just ho myself out to any lonely online geek who'll send me a bus ticket for sex so I can escape my whining brats for a while and just get stoned and get something to eat.

I don't need anything I can't con from suckers on my own. Screw them all!!! The self-righteous asses!!!

Shit, I gotta log off. My meth-popping roommate needs the terminal. Rehab frigging sucks!

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