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Date Posted: 07:20:17 09/04/14 Thu
Author: Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)

Rising early to begin the journey, I slipped on a six inch slug, which just happened to be wending its way slowly across the bathroom floor as I made my way drowsily to the handbasin to wash the sleep out of my eyes. I don’t know how they get into the house but I am always coming across them in the morning and they are usually shown a smart exit via the toilet. This slimy monster got revenge on me, for all his relatives given a watery sewagey death at my hands. It was almost as if he had planned to be slithering past the doorway at just the perfect time to ambush me when I was at my most vulnerable. While I could take comfort from the knowledge that my assailant suffered fatal injuries, from being flattened beneath my naked foot, the broken arm I sustained when I crashed groggily to the tiled floor, meant that all possibility of that Florida holiday would have to be abandoned.

I expect now, that I will forever be the butt of everybody’s jokes, as the person who lost a fight with a slug. Life can be cruel sometimes.
If you enjoyed that, you are bound to enjoy this very funny ebook.
“The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama” Critically acclaimed and available from all Amazon sites.

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