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Modern opportunities [] or stale old science: you get to choose! For years, people have been stuck with dull old medical science. Frankly, miracle cures were hard to come by. Even placebos have not proved entirely effective.
But now, the experts [] and loose nuts are ready to help. All you have to do in order to take advantage of the most modern medical advances is send money. See how simple it is!
Tom Paladino and the Scalar Light company are now shining a new light on medical advances:
When you have doubts about your health, modern technologies can help you be sure. Shine a scalar light on your distress. If you liked leeches, and if you still regret the difficulty of obtaining mercurious treatment, you will appreciate the modern advances of Scalar Light.
Sure, the term Scalar Light is meaningless. But that reflects the state of modern science. Because the term is untethered from inconvenient meaning, we can offer it as a true modern panacea. Have you virus, or bacterial infection, or fungus, or ill humor, or female hysteria? Scalar light is the cure!
Scalar light warranty:
1767 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Apt 231 Lakewood Ranch, FLA 34211 | ||||
The nice thing with these modern cure-alls is that they are largely unregulated. If you send money, and the placebo effect does not cure what ails you, then no one cares. Except the vendor, and they already have your money, and what you have in return is as valuable as santorum. |