Date Posted:17:40:40 01/17/05 Mon Author: Chris Subject: PC games In reply to:
's message, "thank God 4 google" on 12:31:22 01/17/05 Mon
I experienced that watching good children TV series and playing computer games has a good effect, but you should not overdo it. 30 min to an hour should be enough. My son likes to play a "Bob the builder" CD-ROM. He can do it all alone in front of the PC, using the keyboard and the mouse, though he is only 4. I found that well designed games for ordinary PCs are much easier for them to use and more fun than any other "intelligent" toy gadget for children. I also have a simple (Palm Zire) handheld computer with some games on it which are easy enough for him to play. This is particularly helpful when you are outside with him, like in a train, in the church or together with friends, and you want him to be quiet for some time ;-)