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Date Posted: 02:32:50 11/08/04 Mon
Author: Tony Lang
Subject: Re: Moslims in Saudi Arabia
In reply to: Brother in Christ 's message, "Re: Moslims in Saudi Arabia" on 07:14:21 11/05/04 Fri

Brother in Christ States that he never hears any condemnations by leading Muslims of terrorist crimes.
I can only assume that he reads or listens to the wrong media, or that western media for political reasons sees fit not to publicize it, which could well be the case. As I repeatedly said the press of Saudi Arabia and some of the gulf states is full of condemnation.
As I am now on vacation in England and my sources remain over there so I am unable to give you quotes.
A large number of articles that I have read on this subject condemn terrerism because the killing of innocent people is against everything Islam stands for. One the eve of my departure for Britain I was in conversation with a military officer and he refered to these people as pigs.
A petition by Islamic academics worldwide against terrorism, was reported in the Saudi Gazette to have reached 2500 names and in a months time that figure was expected to get to 10,000.
One has to realize that when it comes to communication that the Arabic World is nowhere near as sophisticated as the Western media.

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