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Date Posted: 07:44:45 01/23/14 Thu
Author: Dr. Zhivago
Author Host/IP: 92-124-15.connect.netcom.no /


Help for many problems in all organ systems

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Help Aganist Sluggish Thyroid - hypothyroidism and hormonal problems

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Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help

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Body Massage for Relaxation, Health Improvement, and Sensual Pleasure

By Knut Holt
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com">http://www.abicana.com</a>

Here you can learn some simple massage techniques you can use to alleviate pain and stiffness in the muscles and joints, or just for sensual

bodily pleasure.

By massaging your friend or living partner and let him or her do the same to you, you will both get emotionally closer to each other, and both get

several health benefits. Massaging will benefit the mental state of the person you work on, the muscular condition, the blood circulation and the

lymph drainage. However, what you want to achieve, will determine the exact technique you use.


This type of massage is very good for relaxing tense muscles and a stressed mind.

You perform this massage by rubbing or gripping across the direction of the muscle fibres or across tendons. You take one area after the other.

You begin by massaging each area lightly, superficially and slowly to warm up, and then proceed by massaging deeper, firmer and more swiftly.

According to the size and conditions of the area you treat, you can use different types of manipulation. You can use a couple of fingers at a small

area, or to reach deep into a tense point You can rub with all your finger tips or with the palm of your hand at greater areas. To get a harder

effect, you can use your finger knuckles.


This type of massage will give the following effects: Stiffness will be reduced or cured, and the muscles will gain in mobility. The muscles will get

better blood supply and drainage. The muscles will get a better drainage of tissue fluids into the lymph system, and thereby swollen muscles will

normalize. These effects will in turn make tired muscles faster regain good condition.

By this massage you stroke along the direction of the muscle fibres, and always in the direction of the blood stream towards the heart.

Also now you take one area after the other, but try to reach the whole length of a muscle or muscle group at each stroke. Also by this massage,

you begin massaging at each area lightly, superficially and slowly to warm up, and then proceed by massaging deeper, firmer and somewhat


Also by this longitudinal massage, you can press down and stroke with your finger tips, with all your fingers, or grip around a muscle or muscle

group with your fingers.


Most electric massage devices are vibrating up and down. This vibration mostly gives the same effect as the massage across the muscle fibres. If

you also stroke with the device head along the muscle in the direction of the blood stream towards the heart, you will simultaneously also achieve

the effects of longitudinal massage.


The effects of the massage can be increased by also stretching the limbs and body parts of the person you work on. Stretch in the natural

movement directions of the limb or body parts until you reach some resistance. Do not stretch hard to go beyond the resistance point. However,

by holding the limb some time at the resistance point will often cause the limb to relax, and then you can go some way further.


Tired and stiff muscles are often tender and aching. Working at a tender point will always cause some temporal pain. However, if you use the

right degree of firmness, the effect of the massage should cause an immediate release of pain and tenderness when you have finished working at

a point. You should never work so hard that the pain is felt nearly unbearable, or so hard that pain remains after the massage is finished. If you

do so, you can hurt or aggravate already existing tissue damage.

To achieve the right firmness you should monitor the reactions of the person you work at and listen to his comments. You should also never

perform a massage on an area with a distinct inflammation or a distinct injury.


By applying a massage oil or ointment at the area you work at, you ease the massage work and increase the effects of the massage. Your fingers

glide more easily upon the skin covering the area. The blood supply of the skin and muscles will be stimulated. You get a sensual and exciting

scent on the area and in the air. Ingredients in the oil will ameliorate muscular ache and pain. According to the composition of the massage oil,

there will be different stimulating effects upon the muscles, for example faster regeneration of tired or hurt muscle tissue.


You can use each of the two main techniques, but you let the pleasure of the person you massage decide the technique, the area you massage

and the firmness of the massage. Usually gently touching and caressing will be the right manner.

Also your own pleasure shall decide. Do not work so hard that you get tired out yourself, and the person that you give the massage should be

willing to repay you by doing the same favour to you.

Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find health information, anti-aging products, items to

improve erotic life and products to help against common diseases, please see his web-site:---

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com">http://www.abicana.com</a>

This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.



By Knut Holt
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com">http://www.abicana.com</a>

The activity I am talking about is trade of organs and tissues - mostly from children.

And organ trade by private gangs is only the tip of an iceberg. There is an even more sinister organ trade going on by governmental hospitals and

other official health institutions.

There is an International official network of organ exchange with official hospitals in each country as nodes in the netwerk that provide and

resceive organs and tissue for transplantation, treatment and research, and with officially appointed coordinators at each site.

These coordinators work directly together with doctors responsible for treatment in the same hospitals or cooperating hospitals.

The function of this network is officially regulated by laws of each country. These laws genereally state that one shall only exchange organs from

people having been decleared brain death.

But the demand for organs and tissue, and especially from children of young persons as donors, are many times higher than that which can be

provided by persons being brain-dead after accidenst.

Many symptoms point to the fact that this network since long has gone corrupted due to the high demand and to the money exchanged for organs


The corruption occurs by taking out undamaged organs from patients that have been injured in accidenst and selling these through the

international network. When doing so they claim to the patient himself, his parents, his wife or relatives that the organ was damaged and had to

be removed.

The corruption also occurs by declearing brain dead people that are not so, and using their organs for trade in the network. The corruption

manifests itself with several symptoms any citizen can observe:

- Organs are taken out of a person after an accident that did not seem to injure exactly the place where the organ is situated.

- A stragely great persentage of accidents in a country or area result in removal of organs.

- A strangely great percentage of accidents of all kind end in death, despite the modern technical abilities to save persons after an accident.

- People in a given country are astounishingly often pronounced dead, even after accidents that do not involve greater part of the body.

- One have a routine of giving up the fight for the life of a person, and declares the person brain death, after very short time, usually 4-8 hours.

- Young persons that are supposed to have good chances of surviving an accident is surprizingly often decleared dead.

- Persons are often decleared brain death after accidents where the body, and even the head is largerly undamaged, when the person is without

consciousness after the accident.

- Persons are routinously subjected to artificial coma after accidents, even when the person was conscious right after the accident, and after some

hours decleared brain death.

- Parents, sposes and relatives are rutinously denied access to a person after accidents.

- Politicians in the country are actively demanding more organs from own citizens to be provided for donation.

I have for a long time observed these particularities in my own country, Norway, and I am concerned. Norway is a member of the international

organ donation network. But since this network is international, the concern is valid for several coutries, surely.

Knut Holt
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.mydeltapi.com">http://www.mydeltapi.com</a>


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