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Pocket Bikes
Welcome to the #1 Pocket Bike Forum.
Welcome -- Pocket Rider, 10:20:05 08/13/04 Fri [1]
Welcome to my Forum about Pocket Bikes. If you have questions or concerns than you have come to the right place. I hope that this will help.
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Where can I ride them? -- Artimus, 09:27:08 08/16/04 Mon [1]
I have seen Pocket Bikes for sale in the parking lot of the local convenience store - they look like a lot of fun. But where can I ride them? Are they legal on public streets or bike lanes or what? If anybody on this forum knows, please advise. Thank you.
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About where to ride them -- Pocket Rider, 09:40:58 08/16/04 Mon [1]
It all depends on where you live and the bike. Tell me what cc the bike is, and where you are located, and Ill let you know. I can tell you that if you live in California, they are NOT legal. But they are in most other places. Contact your local law office, and ask them if it is ok for you to ride it on residental streets. That is the only legal place in any city, excluding tracks, arenas, exc... They should be able to tell you. Other than that, saddle up and go for a ride!
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50 cc -- jackie, 10:33:28 08/16/04 Mon [1]
I have two pocket bikes now and I am considering selling them. If I get a 50cc bike and get it tagged and insured would I be able to ride that on the street? If so, how can that be, because they are about the same size as the 49cc pocket bikes and they go just as fast, if not faster?
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Well Its like this..... -- Pocket Rider, 16:23:48 08/16/04 Mon [1]
Well you can tag and insure, actually for 50cc you have to. That's whats so good about pocket bikes, they are only 49cc so you don't have to tag and insure it. You can buy kits that make them faster, alot faster. Oh, back to the 50cc bike, once you get it tagged and insurred, you CAN NOT ride it on the street. Like I said in another forum, its like weed. You can buy a license to buy/sell it, but if you try to, you get arressted. Its just so they can make more money. My advise to you is, if you want more speed get a kit. They have all different kits and different prices. Its going to sound steep but the best kits will run you about $700. The money is worth it though, It can increase speed up to around 25 miles an hour or more. So thats fast on those little things. Maybe you can sell one of them to pay for the kit. Like I said thats just around how much the best kits are. Here are two links that will connect you to see what kit/price is best suited for you.
one of those should help you out. Thanks and have a nice day!
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??? -- Jesse, 19:40:37 10/11/04 Mon [1]
I found this site by reading about 200 postings from another site and lissening to a battle between you and someone else (sorry I forgot his last name he used) After reading all of the postings (45mins of reading) I have came to the conclution that there might be a way for me to get the pocket bikes leagal (residesial roads of course)
in my town.
I live in oregon and theres about 1500 people in my town. most are old and retired and are the ones that will screem off there front porch at you for walking to fast. but the good new is that I talked to the ones on my street and asked them how they would feel about me purchsing one and riding about the neiberhood (certain times of day and not at night) and they said they wouldn't mind...politness and presentaion goes along way.
now the only problem I have is the police. there not very well informed and no one has one in town...yet. I was wondering if you might know of some links to state laws/city laws and suggestions for me to get them "legal" before someone else gets one and pisses the people off enough to have the city ban them all together.
thank you
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Pocket bikes -- Chaz, 00:54:36 11/17/04 Wed [1]
Hi, I have a new 49cc super bike and the cops dont seem to care about my bike, but when I had a mini 47cc pocket bike the cops were stoping me and giving me shit, but one cop seems to say one thing and another says somthing else. I dont know what the fuck is up. ( I live in Oregon ) And I dont know what the fuck is up with all the pocket bike haters, I mean gas stand up scooters are loud to, so what the fuck? I am sick of all of these people bitching about pocket bikes. All of you, get over your selfs.
Also here is a good cheap scooter, pocket bike, super bike and mini chopper parts web site.
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where can i ride it -- bob (confused), 14:08:50 08/04/06 Fri [1]
I just bought a Razor pocket rocket electric. Is it legal to ride in a neighborhood in delaware and virginia. I mean it barely makes any noise and it only goes like 12 miles per hour.
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