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Subject: Major Sale including some of the best horses on EC

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Date Posted: 14:32:45 07/21/07 Sat

Since I'm trying to cut down to a more manageable size so that I can stay active easier I have gone through all of my horses and either decided to sell, retire, sell and retire, retire permenatly, or keep. Any horse age 10 or higher has been retired because of the new showing rules but many of those horses are for sale as breeding prospects. I have made a list of 29 horses for sale, 16 horses that I will be keeping, and 36 horses that will be permenatly retired. Please visit my member page to see what horses are for sale. A price is listed next to each horse that is for sale. Any horse without a price I'm either keeping or retiring. If you notice a horse that you bought that is listed on my member page it just means I haven't updated that page completly. A nice reminder that you bought the horse would be appreciated. Here is a list of every horse that is for sale:

MS Smoke

GTF Hallmark

Truth Or Dare (The best jumping Hackney on EC, and one of the best examples of Cross Country Jumping on EC)

WC Monkey Business

HD Brotherhood (Sire is WC Heartland Equality and Dam is one of the best known mare English Pleasure Driving Hacknies)

Michigan's Hart Stopper

WC WSF Heart Throb

Jewel Jubilee

Wild Imagination

Right Way

Double Trouble

Shez All Zipped Up (Outstanding Bloodlines!)

Apache Tribal Rust

Paint Mea Picture

Impressively Drunk

Renissance Man

Calipse (One of the best jumping Stock Horses on EC)

Goldun Lady (Beautiful look)

Tiarna An Aigein (Best Dressage Horse on EC, Nearly Undefeated in Dressage and Halter, 2nd highest amount of points ever had by one horse on EC)

A List Of Confessions



Hoodwink (Beautiful horse, good conformation, excellent jumper, strong legs)

Chief Joseph (Amazing Extended Trot)

Bellinger (Amazing Extended Trot)

Silver Twist (The most succsessful Dressage Gelding on EC)

Tiarna Mhuir Eireann (Son of Tiarna An Aigein and Bellinger, will follow in his parents footsteps)

Mucho DeNiro (Outstanding Jumper)


Adamant Pride

You can see all of these horses at www.angelfire.com/blog/ppf/main.html


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Subject Author Date
Re: Major Sale including some of the best horses on ECRachel15:28:33 07/26/07 Thu
omg!Shandi22:52:58 08/03/07 Fri
Re: Major Sale including some of the best horses on ECRachel15:01:14 08/06/07 Mon
SALE UPDATES!Eli19:47:14 08/16/07 Thu
Re: All Horses NOT Sold Are Now Permenatly Retired. Please get all information by Sept. 10th. (NT)Eli12:09:22 09/02/07 Sun

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