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Date Posted: 20:21:40 10/11/04 Mon
Author: david pego
Subject: christmas card time

ok. it's christmas card time. oops! wait! there are many folks who do not celebrate christmas. Call them holiday cards. there are jewish folks (many of whom volunteer in hospitals and other critical shifts to cover for folks taking a christmas position; and I'm sure there are many folks from other religions who do the same).

Get on your marketing department's back to find out if they will have an official company christmas card. if not, just buy a package yourself from the dollar store and write some wonderful thanks for people who support your newspapers in education program in any way and get them in the mail.

cookies work better, of course.

and if you are a teacher, get the holiday cards written but let them sit on your desk until about one week before you go on holiday break. You already know who has been (and will be) naughty or nice.

Save your self some work later.

And don't send me anything. all these tips are just a gift to you.

love you all, please tell your friends about this web site -- and someone please start leaving messages or I'll assume you don't need me.

david (who is busy in many other areas and wondering whether this effort helps anyone)

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