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Date Posted: 11:57:07 11/29/05 Tue
Author: Doom
Subject: Re: Mystic realms
In reply to: Cloud 's message, "Mystic realms" on 15:22:02 11/28/05 Mon

>Hello everyone just wondering but why have we not seen
>you guys at MR i know i have missed the ever present
>doom contingent. there is alot of new loti and you
>guys have been gone so long that i talk to some of
>them and they have no idea who the legandary dooms are
>we can't have that can we. the next event is Fri, Dec
>16th, 7:00PM-
>Sun, Dec 18th, 12:00PM please come play with us

The Doom's have not forgotten their friends at MR, believe me we miss you guys dearly! It's nice of you to let us know we are missed. I check the message boards everyday. Unfortunately we are all working the Holiday Season at a Christmas Tree farm in Sussex NJ. We do it every year to help out Karen's (my GF) mom. He BF owns the place. Josh, Dave, Brandon and Jonathan work the field, Karen and I run the kitchen. We make a ridiculous amount of money so we can't turn it down! Hopefully if all goes well, the Dooms will be back in the realm in full force by January. We'll be back stirring things up, raising hell, and drinking our whiskey of Doom!!! Let everyone at MR know that we miss them and think about them often. Just tell everyone we are helping restore the elder tree valley, got to get our village and whiskey trade up and running again! Keep the legend of Doom alive until we return! Can't wait to butt heads with Cloud Ku' once again! Oh and one more thing, when I come back, it will be Master Doom!
So you really think you saved the realm?


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