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Subject: dump? | |
Author: Rick |
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Date Posted: 04:08:05 08/11/05 Thu I can understand your fight to stop the landfill, but isn't there a better way to go about it? Every time I travel the stretch from West Leyden to Boonville all the signs along the road drive me nuts! How about the dilapidated sign on the Veterans Memorial Park, "Don't Deface the park? What do you think this sign does? I have half a mind to hook a chain to it and rip it out of the ground. This in it's self is defacing. I do not know who gave the ok to place this sign there, but I'm sure it was not a Vet that is being honored with the park. Then you have signs that say "NO DUMP" everywhere, half of the houses that these signs in front of are themselves what I'd call dumps. It's a shame that everyone that drives down through there has to see this. I'm sure if a landfill was to be put in, it wouldn't look near as bad as what the residents have done to the area. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |