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Subject: Important documents for enterance in Canada for immigrants(ODO2207)

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Date Posted: 09:46:22 11/08/08 Sat

Depending on your personal situation, you should bring the following important documents with you to Canada:

* birth certificates or baptismal certificates;
* marriage certificates;
* adoption, separation or divorce papers;
* school records, diplomas or degrees for each family member travelling with you;
* trade or professional certificates and licences;
* letters of reference from former employers;
* a list of your educational and professional qualifications and job experience (this is
also called a résumé);
* immunization, vaccination, dental and
* other health records for each family member;
* driver's licence, including an International
* Driver's Permit;
* photocopies of all essential and important documents, in case the originals get lost
(be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals); and
* car registration documents (if you are importing a motor vehicle into Canada).
vsisit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/importantdocuments.htm

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