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Date Posted: 19:49:30 10/10/05 Mon
Author: Sandy Hiatt
Subject: Information about Silver Spurs Rodeo

To All Members and Families of FJRA who I don't have email addresses for:

Gates will be open at noon on Friday.

Here are a few items for this weekend at Silver Spurs Rodeo.
No entries will be taken Friday night. Important information will be passed out on Saturday morning for Sarasota. Entry fees will be collected inside on the first floor of the north side of the Arena between the hours of 7:30 am and 8:30 am on Saturday only, with the exception of those competing on Sunday only. Those who have mailed in their fees. Please come and pick up the information on Saturday. It will be your responsibility to get this information. All members are to park in the RV area or in the fenced in area on the west end of the Arena only. NO RV's or HORSE TRAILER's allowed on the south side of the Arena. All members staying over night - your horse must have a stall. NO overnight tie-outs or portable panels. There are still stalls available. Call me at 321-635-8232 if you need one or don't see your name on the list.
Other events are being held at the Osceola Heritage Park on the same weekend. We are being asked to please be considerate and not interfere with those events. All reserved RV sites and stalls are assigned - DO NOT PARK in any other site without checking with me. Same goes for the stalls. Just a reminder, there is money still owed for stalls. Please contact me as soon as possible. If you need a map of the Park, please call me at 321-635-8232.
Thanks and let's have a good and safe weekend.


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