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Dragón Rasgones Forum
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To change font, color and size. Please keep it 3 or under and close your tag. To make it bold add <**b**> and <**/b**> Put your text in the middle of the 2 Bs. <**font face="palatino linotype" size="2" color="#006699">TYPE HERE<**/font>

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1. Please keep posts clean, meaning no cussing and use respect.
2. Take everything through e-mail and IM if if you have to say something about another we don't want to see it.
3. PLEASE introduce yourself if you are new to the forum.
4. Do not make any huge images, please. Only if you are showing off your family of course and things that are acceptional to that purpose.
5. Please be sure to choose between opinion and insult. If you think that it might hurt the other person even a little bit. PLEASE follow #2 than.
6. Failure to comply on following any of these rules will result in banning.

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