Date Posted:16:41:43 07/23/06 Sun Author: Dominique (Nikki) Subject: Go Taylor! Go Madi! Go Florida girls!
To Taylor:
I was so excited when Florida's own Taylor Tyson was announced the 2006-2007 International Miss! Taylor your so talented, smart and wonder you won! I am so happy for you and I think I speak for the whole state of Florida when I say that we could not be prouder of you! Hope this year will be magical!
To my little Madi!
I had so much fun with you and your little friend "Rabbi" this week! Your sooo cute and so funny! I guess I'm not the only one who thinks that because the judges picked you out to be the Tot personality winner! I can't wait to send time with you this year! Muah!
To Laura, Brittany, Hunter,Kimmy,Caroline, and Michelle:
All of you are so talented and did an amazing job this week! I'm so happy to be from the same state all of you! I could not be prouder of ya'll! We are gonna have so much fun this year! Hope to see all you soon!