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Welcome to the Temporary Theme Boards! The current Board Theme is... Suggestions. TRATS is still a brand new site, and it still has loads of room for improvement. We need more things to do, for your entertainment, if not to attract more members. So, anything you'd like to see here at TRATS? Anything you think should be shanged, or added? Post!
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Subject: Under boards i think, and yes just give me the password so i can edit it. tell me where it is and ill do it!

Pip and stoneclaw
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Date Posted: 17:20:32 12/14/04 Tue
In reply to: PIp stoneclaw 's message, "The members that dont have e-mail" on 19:34:33 12/07/04 Tue

>I cant use my e-mail! so i think we should use......
>Like a proboard Private message type of thing? We
>could set up a proboard that has different things on
>it. If you make it, I will help you build it. (only if
>i am admin of course, be cause if im a newbie,well,
>how would i build anything?) but i think that would be
> for suggestions on what else to have on the
>proboard, would be an activity like "decorate the
>Christmas tree" or "carve the pumpkin," and pie eating
>contests and stuff like that. So what ya think? It may
>be tough, but ill help you set it up.

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Err... unless the admin creates every account for every member without an e-mail there would be the little problem that to register to proboards, you need an e-mail account. So maybe use Voy or just make accounts with a universal password or something... otherwise the Proboard would be useless. (NT)Gonffo13:44:15 12/27/04 Mon

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