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Subject: Re: *smiles*

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Date Posted: 16:12:30 06/04/01 Mon
In reply to: Terrors Breath 's message, "Re: *smiles*" on 17:18:39 06/03/01 Sun

*she stops gazing at the moon and peers down when she hears his voice.* Oh, nothing...I was just looking at the moon. Its really pretty tonight, shining brighter than ive seen in a long time. *she heaved a sigh and smiled, pading back over and lying next to her mate, keeping her eyes low though* Sorry to wake you dear. Its just...I feel strange being back in this valley with my sister and not feeling like I want to just hunt something down anymore. I know it may sound weird to you, im still evil you know, and having "good" feelings is something very new to me. *she turns her eyes gaze back up and sees that he's on the verge of sleeping again, so she just smiles and tries to forget everything except this night which is wasting away with her nonsense of goodness*

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Re: *smiles*Terrors Breath16:37:21 06/06/01 Wed

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