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Subject: 我們的架構

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Date Posted: 19:20:39 12/23/04 Thu

黎戀戀.12 戀人 - Anthea, Brian, Eric, Erica, Gary, Jao, Kwok-Chi, Kuen, Manfield, Odi, Repin, Tom.(排名不分先後)此乃定律 永恆不變.

1) Director = 12 戀人
2) 財政 = Odi
3) 公關
電話對話 = Kwok-Chi
文字對話 = KuenKuen
4) 資料庫
Film = Anthea, Erica
DV = Brian, Manfield
文字 = KuenKuen
5) 項目分析(filter and planning)
Kwok-Chi, KuenKuen, Manfield
6) Activities Documentary
Film = 12 戀人(work in shift)
DV = 12 戀人(work in shift)
文字 = KuenKuen

1) Welcome all outsiders join our productions, but not allow work in Director mode!
2) Please pass your Pictures or DV copies to Anthea, Erica and Brian for the Documentary or Sharing, we want to build-up a system to file our history for the future.
*Who would like to take a post, please raise-up your hand!

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