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Slashing through the jungle thick mass of vines, trees and undergrouth finaly you brake through to a clearing, a purfect circle of ritch green grass and exotic flowers bloom all arround, birds of every color, size and shape inhabit this place and man made oasis although its origins are unknown. In the center of the clearing there lies a beautiful fountain which is known to all as the Fountain of Truth in which according to legend there lives a maiden who is called Truth, it is also said that if you come to the Maiden with a question she will answer it the only way she knows.....with the truth.....Only problem is....will she answer your call?

Subject Author Date
[Users Choice] 1.24e Dota Maphack Free Download 52brookfeeb13:43:14 01/24/14 Fri

Edwins Restaurant Best Caribbean Feast in CanadaSanita John00:36:44 03/31/12 Sat

*a white mare calls out>>Eisabo01:38:28 05/06/01 Sun

**he trots back into his tt.**Storm Call21:11:19 03/13/01 Tue

Testing09:52:45 03/15/01 Thu

Testing!D08:18:04 03/05/01 Mon

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