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Subject: Re: San Antonio

Ice Queen
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Date Posted: 16:46:05 10/28/04 Thu
In reply to: Lucky in SA 's message, "Re: San Antonio" on 11:38:20 10/28/04 Thu

>I talked to Campbell once and he seemed nice enough,
>kinda funny, really cute, but no one I know has seen
>him out much at the ususal hot spots here in SA even
>last year. What type of places did he hang out at
>there or what else did he do? Anthony and Stefan are
>not here, Rob is but I haven't heard from anyone who
>talked to him, but my friend thinks hes hot so shes
>hoping to talk to him. I also met Stephen and he was
>really nice to me and my friends altho I heard he
>isn't alway nice. Do you know what kind of girls him
>and Jay like? I have another friend who thinks Jay is
>cute and my sister thinks Nathan is. Do you know
>anything about him? Im sorry I dont have to much news
>now but they are out of town alot so far. Ill keep
>posting tho and let me know what else you want to hear

If you want to talk more personally feel free to IM whenever I am on MSN. It's Icce_Hot_24@hotmail.com
BTW, my name is Katrina.

Ok, from what I know, Rob likes to just go with the flow. He hangs out with Greg and I know that he is roommates with Nathan this season. He didn't really talk that much around me so I can't really tell you much about his personality. At first I thought he was really shy but he started to open up right before he left. He is a MAJOR hottie but you already know that.

I personally think that Stephen is a little cocky punk but then everyone thinks differently about different people. Some ladies may say that he is a sweet heart but I haven't seen that side of him so I can't really tell you if that is true or not. I would think that he would like blondes b/c I am blonde and he was hitting on me but we can never figure out guys. But I don't think it really matters to him or Nathan.

Nathan is just a two-faced dog. Talk about arrogant. Be careful with him b/c one day he will be the sweetest guy to you and the next he will act like you are just a piece of shit that is stuck to his shoe. I try to avoid him as much as possible b/c he just pisses me off. I know that his celebrity crush is Mary-Kate Olson so that kind of tells you what he likes. (nasty things) LOL! To me, he is just a waste of time. He definitely doesn't want any commitments any time soon. If you sister wants to just have fun with him every once in a while then tell her go for it. Just don't argue with him, b/c he is "always" right.

Jay is a really sweet but shy guy. He doesn't really open up to you unless he knows you. He does open up a little once he is buzzed so if you ever go out and he is drinking slowly start to make a conversation. I honestly can't tell you the type of girl he likes. He is a hard one to figure out. Definitely don't come on too strong b/c he will be turned off. He is an overall great guy. God, do I miss him!

Again if you want any thing more detailed or personally, IM me! I'll give you a little more info.

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Re: San Antonio**01:03:09 11/10/04 Wed

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