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Subject: fall classes | |
Author: Kim |
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Date Posted: Saturday, July 29, 03:04:46pm In reply to: Monica Hebert 's message, "fall schedule" on Wednesday, July 26, 02:54:57pm >Hi Kim could you tell me if you have a schedule of >times ready for the age group of 11 and for 16 I have >two 16 year olds and a 11 year old(meghan)My kid wants >to come back this year she wanted to take one year off >and try it again this year. I also have two exchange >students that would like to join. Please let me know >asap... >Meghan would like to join tap dancing and vocals also >I need a price for both she will join.. >thank you. Monica Hebert Hi Monica, Registration begins August 14th, so I'll be working on my fall schedule until then. Meghan would be in Europa or Telesto; both classes do tap. When you say she wants to "tap", does she mean clogging? Clogging is a separate class but we do tap in combo dance along with jazz and lyrical. There will be a vocal elective following (or preceeding) combo dance class. I don't have my payment schedule ready yet either.... but the other two girls would be considered family if they're living with you and we will have a family "cap" price. Have the older girls danced before? They would dance with Calypso or Elara, depending on ability. I'll know more in a week or two- give me a call then. Thanks, Kim [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |