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Subject: Hi Ali!

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 17, 01:57:42pm
In reply to: Ali Berry 's message, "Hi Everyone!" on Thursday, December 07, 05:37:47pm

>Hi everyone! Long time no see! It's been crazy here
>during my first semester of college, but I just needed
>to check in with you all and tell you that I hope all
>you dancers are having the times of your lives still.
>I decided that this bullitan board was probably the
>best way to reach you.
>Want an Update? So I'm here at USM. I have the
>roommate from heck. But she's moving out next
>semester, thank goodness. I auditioned and got into
>the dance show for this semester, it goes up in two
>weeks. Right now I'm spending my entire life in
>rehearsal. I'm in a hip hop piece, a jazz piece, and a
>lyrical type thing that involves ribbons and some
>acrobatics...very cool. Next semester I'm directing
>(yes, I'm in charge, can you believe it??!) and
>performing in a show that should go up in late April.
>We're putting it on and giving the proceeds to the
>Children's Miracle Network. Should be a fun
>combination of all types of dance. We've even got a
>colorguard piece with fake swords!
>Well, that's what new. Christmas Break in two and a
>half weeks! It went by so fast. I wish everyone
>happy holidays, and I can't wait to see you all again
>Love, Ali

Hi Ali,
We're all doing well at the Studio; very busy, just wrapping up this week and then we have Christmas break.
Our theme for recital this year is "Color by Numbers". Our song titles include either a color or number. It's been fun and challenging getting all the music and choreograpy together.
Glad to hear you're enjoying school and still dancing.
Have a great Christmas! Hope to see you in the summer or sooner,

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Subject Author Date
hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Alecia and Shayna!Friday, December 22, 03:32:25pm
    Hey girls!AliSaturday, December 23, 03:56:24pm

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