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Subject: New Music!

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Date Posted: 17:03:17 08/22/05 Mon

Hey Everyone,
I'm gonna tell you a little story, so gather round. I've been pestering Seth all week about getting music. And I have been pestering Tanner about a certain knife (if you want to hear that story ask me on one of our fourteen hour trips to Colorado [though it won't take ten {do you use brackets inside of parenthesis?} minutes to tell] I'd be glad to tell you all about this particular knife). So finally today Seth agreed to send me the score if I'd print it up and bring it to school tomorrow. Basically what I'm trying to say is. Seth needed my e-mail to send it so I am merely using this forum as a means of communicating it. This message in hindsight is really just filler for the last part (in case the link on my name should fail)



PS It's also on the members page of PagePercussion.com in case you lose this message.

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Re: New Music!Seth23:02:19 08/22/05 Mon

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