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Date Posted: 15:52:13 01/05/05 Wed
Author: Eric 1-2
Subject: New Found Land

Allan Wolf, 478 pages

New Found Land is about the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific Ocean after the Louisiana Purchase was made by Thomas Jefferson. The book describes the adventures of the group that went on the expedition and what they encounter on their journey. Along the way they come across large rapids, a flash flood, stand-offs against the Native Americans, extreme heat and many other unpredictable situations that make this book exciting. The book is written differently than most books. Each page is written in the voice of one of the characters. This makes the book interesting because you can read the pionts of view from each of the expedition memebers and find out what they are thinking and feeling about the journey. But sometimes it can be hard to understand because of the way it is written.

Some of the main characters are the captians, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, Lewis' Newfounldland dog named Seaman and George Drouillard who is half Shawnee, half French. George knows the Native American sign language, which is used when having councils with the Native Peoples. In some parts of the book, the meetings with the Native Americans get nasty. Overall, I liked the book very much and even though it is fictional, you can still learn a lot of factual information about our history. I would recommend this book to people who like to learn about American history and enjoy adventure.


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