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Date Posted: 08:39:20 01/08/05 Sat
Author: Thanae
Subject: Bat 6

For my historical fiction book I read Bat 6 by Virginia Euwer Wolff. This book is about a group of 6th grade girls from Barlow Road Grade School and Bear Creek Ridge Grade School. Every year these to schools have a big softball game for the 6th grade girls called the bat 6 game.But this year a new girl comes into Barlow Road and is an amazing athlete. She gets very excited for the softball game until she finds out there is a Japenese girl on the other team. Shazam has always hated the Japenese ever since her mother told her about her fathers ship getting bombed by the Japenese on Dec. 7, 1941. After weeks of training, the game has finally arrived. Everyone is starting to warm up. While Shazam is practicing throwing she sees Aki, the Japenese girl on the other team. When Shazam is up at bat and the Aki is on first base there is only one thing on her mind. Whack! She hits the ball into the outfield and is running for first. Then she lifts up her elbow and whacks Aki in the head. Aki falls to the ground and the her parents and the coaches all run over to her side. They call an anbulence and she is rushed to the hosptal. Shazam os tryong to get away but 2 of the girls on her team are holding her down. The game is cancelled and now there is no winner. The game is ruined. After some intence care in the hospital she is sent home with a brace around her head. Everyone goes to visit her. Shazam was forced to go. Aki could not speak she had to write down the things she wanted to say. Shazam did not want to be there, she felt funny. Aki wrote down that she only had to keep ot on for 2 months and everything would be back to normal. As for Shazam she had to do comunity service as a punishment for what she has done.

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