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Date Posted: 05:06:25 05/27/17 Sat
Author: dr. Liza Rosegarden

To read about the sexual feelings and sensual zones of men, about methods to keep iour skin young and healthy, about diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis, about what really happened during the Roswell incident, please scroll down.

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Sexually Sensual Areas in The Body of a Man and the Potency for Good Feelings in These Places

By Knut Holt



There is a widespread misunderstanding by many women, and surprisingly also by many men that boys and men only have sexual feelings in their penis, or even only in their penis head. The reason why many men also carry this misconception is probably that boys often are educated to suppress corporeal sensations and to be hard.

Many erogenous zones in men and boys are best activated when the body is relaxed, and the zones are stimulated in a gentle manner. Gentle stimulation of these zones in a relaxed state can give feelings of pleasure as strong as those in the penis, and can even result in some types of strong orgasmic reactions. Here is a survey of various erotic zones in the male body, and how to stimulate the sensations in these zones. You can stimulate yourself at these zones when masturbating, or the your female or gay partner can do the stimulation work.


The scrotal skin and the content of the scrotum, including the testicles, are sensitive to erotic stimulation. When stimulating these genital parts, take first hold of the scrotum with your whole hand, warming it inside your hand, and massaging it gently by gripping movements. Warming and handling the scrotum gives feelings in the whole genital region. Stimulation of the scrotum also increases the blood circulation and engorgement of all the genital organs around the scrotum.

The testicles are best stimulated by gentle rolling movements with your fingers. Also tickle the scrotal skin with your finger tips. A part of the penis is actually hidden partly inside and partly behind the scrotal sack, by palpating with your finger tips between the testicles or at the side under the scrotum; you can massage this part of the penis. A sharp massage with your finger tips gives the most intense sensations to this hidden root of the penis.


The nipples of a man are important erogenous zones, and a man has tits just as a woman, although the tits of a man are smaller and flatter that those of a woman. Actually a man has all the structures that a woman has in his breasts, but they are not developed to have a milk producing capacity.

This means that a man's breasts have the same erotic capacity as the tits of woman. A man's nipples also have an erective capacity. They rise and get hard upon stimulation. When stimulating a man's breasts, take hold of the breast with your whole hand, warming it inside your hand, and massaging it gently by gripping movements. To stimulate the nipples, massage gently around the nipples with a finger tip. Also squeeze the nipples with your fingers, varying the intensity from the very gentle nip to some harder pressure.


The visible penis is actually a part of a larger body beginning at the prostate region just in front of the anus, and reaches to the tip of the penis. The urethra also goes through this structure. The parts between your legs will engorge when you are sexually exited just as the penis, and when it engorges, the region bulges out between the legs.

Upon mechanical stimulation, this area gives intense pleasurable feelings. You can stimulate this area by squeezing it between your fingers, pressing down against the urethra or massaging up and down along the urethra. You should change between gentle and a little harder handling, as these two manners give rise to different types of feelings.


The navel is an erotic point, and so are the structures in the middle of the belly between the navel and the penis. This structure contains a groove between the belly muscles. The structures in this groove are very sensuous, the so called linea alba. The naval can be stimulated by sticking a finger into it, and by tickling with your finger deep down in the navel. Also here you should alternate between light, gentle, slow tickling, and harder sharper tickling.

This stimulation give sensations that radiate out form the navel to the surroundings, and spreads downwards to the tip of your penis, giving a very funny feeling in your penis. The groove between the navel and the penis, you can stimulate by massaging up and down with the tip of your fingers.


The inner sides of the buttocks in the natal cleft give rise to deep erotic feelings with a very special intimate valor. Move your fingers up and down between the buttocks from the spine to the opposite end between the legs, and gently massage the inner side of each buttock with your finger tips.

You can also concentrate your attention to the region deep inside the cleft very near the anus and tickle these most intimate points with your finger tips. Further you can stretch each buttock to the side so that the butt cleft opens, and the rectal opening is also stretched. The result of these manipulations is erotic sensations that radiate to the whole pelvic area, flow deep inside you and rise upwards along your spine.


The anal region is in many ways the real central of feelings in a man or boy. By stimulating this area in the proper ways, you can create a process that spread waves of intense feelings of joy, pleasure and ecstasy up through the whole body, partly forward to the genitals and belly region, and partly along the spine up to the neck. You best stimulate the rectal opening by very gentle circulatory movements with your finger tips. Alternate between these circulatory movements and the stimulation of the insides of the buttocks.

You can also stick a smeared finger into the anal opening and stimulate by gentle movements in and out. By sticking your finger further inside, you can gently massage the inside walls of the anus. By adding some pressure, your stimulation reaches deep into the tissue around the rectum. All these stimulation give rise to profound feelings radiating to the whole body.


The perhaps most intimate and sensitive zone of a man, is the deep part of the rectum. This zone can be reached by gay intercourse or with a dildo or some other long object. When inserting something in the anus to stimulate this zone, it is necessary to be very cautious so that the intestinal walls are not hurt. However, this zone is so sensitive that even the gentlest stimulation gives an immense depth of feelings, both of physical and psychological kind.

You can stimulate this zone by gently and gradually by inserting a thin smeared dildo, and when fully inserted, very gently move it a little in and out, a little around, or press gently to different sides with the dildo. The more you relax, and the longer you do this stimulation, the deeper and more intense will the feelings grow.


The prostate lies just in front of the anus and the urethra goes through it. This gland produces much of the viscous fluid in the semen. You can stimulate it from the outside by pressing somewhat firmly with your fingers inward just in front of the anus. There is a deepening in this area, just like a little vagina. Press your finger into this groove and a little forward.

You can also stimulate the prostate by inserting your finger into the anus and massage the prostate through the front wall of the anus. The massage releases prostate fluid. Feeling the fluid coming through your urethra and dripping out through you pee-hole, add to the physical excitement. Also the prostate have its own sexual feelings, and prostate massage combined with anal stimulation can induce a form of orgasm that has a much deeper psychological and ecstatic impact than ordinary penile orgasm.

Knut Holt is a international internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. At this site you can find more health information, products to improve erotic life, products to increase sexual pleasure and natural medicines against many common diseases.


This article can freely be copied and distributed as long as the author's name and a link follow.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995

The aging process of the skin is caused by known factors. Skin aging can in great extend be avoided, and aging symptoms in the skin can also often be cured. A general healthy lifestyle regarding for example nutrition and exercise is good for your skin as for the rest of your body. However, certain measures will be particularly beneficial for the skin. Here are these practical anti-aging measures for the skin presented:


You should enjoy the sunshine with reason. Some daily exposure from sun-rays on the skin will not hurt. On the contrary, it will in fact do your skin good. The skin gets a better colour, and it gets somewhat thicker and more robust. Massive daily exposure, however, has a very disturbing influence on the skin, and will cause all types of skin problems: Wrinkles, brown spots, discolouring, very thin or very thick skin, dry skin and cancer. To keep your skin young and healthy in the long run, you must protect your skin when you are outside for longer times.


You should take some supplement of lecithin or a product containing lecithin. Lecithin is a fatty substance. It is an important constituent of all body tissues. It consists of glycerol, fatty acids, cholin, ethanolamine, inositol and serine. The four latter constituents are working tools used in nerve signal transmission and in tissue regeneration. Lecithin is especially important for the function and regeneration of nerve tissue and the skin. Lecithin also has a cleansing effect upon the skin. It helps the sebaceous gland to produce cleansing secretions. Taking a daily dose of lecithin alone or a product containing lecithin will greatly help to keep the skin young and regenerate the skin from damage.


A dish of fish or seafood at least every second day has proven to keep the skin in good condition and help the skin to avoid sun damage. You should include fat fish, since fat fish has an especially high content of vitamin A and D, important for the skin health.


Using a topical product containing certain types of plant oils or even using some of the pure oils upon the skin daily will make the skin smooth and ease regeneration from damage. Oils that have these effects are: Evening Primrose Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Borage Oil, Soy Oil, Wheat Germ Oil and Olive oil. Pure olive oil of good quality can be used alone upon the skin after the daily wash. The amount needed is very little. Use exactly as much that is needed to saturate the skin and make it smooth.


Using olive oil in your dishes will help to keep your skin young, and help the skin to regenerate from damage and aging symptoms. Olive oil contains much mono-unsaturated acids and much of vitamin E. However, your skin will also need essential poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore you should also consume some amount of other types of oils or supplements containing poly-unsaturated oils especially valuable for your skin. Other plant oils with fatty acids beneficial for your skin are: Evening Primrose Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Borage Oil, Soy Oil, and Wheat Germ Oil.


CLA is a fatty acid produced in the stomach of cows by bacteria, taken up into the cow's blood-stream and secreted into the milk. This acid has shown to help the skin regenerate from damage and keep the skin in a juvenile state. Taking CLA as a supplement may help you get finer skin, and also help you to keep your weight at a wanted level. Fat milk and diary products also contain CLA and can improve your skin health. However, great amounts of fat diary products are not good for your heart and circulation.


The skin should be washed at least once every day with a mild soap or cleansing product. Men should shave during the wash or after the wash, depending upon the shaving method used. Then you should use some oil or cream to protect your skin and to make it smooth and elastic. Use a product containing natural oils with anti-aging properties. If you suffer from acne or other skin problems, the cleansing product and the protecting cream should contain ingredients to treat this problem.

Before exposing your skin to heavy sunshine for a longer time, you should also use some additional product with sun-shield. If you have used a product with sun-shield or make-up during the day, this should be washed away in the evening, and a new layer of protecting cream laid on.

More basic washing and care that that outlined here, is not necessary, and may in fact damage your skin. The same is true for heavy use of make-up.


Smoking has a very negative effect upon the skin in the long run, and will cause a lot of wrinkles.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND innovative medicines against skin aging, acne, eczema, scars, wrinkles, other skin problems and natural anti-aging supplements for the skin and the whole body, PLEASE VISIT his site:---


---Free to reprint and reformat as long as the author's name, his link and his information follow

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/292617

About Scoliosis, how does One Diagnose and Treat Scoliosis

By Knut Holt



Scoliosis is a deformations in the spinal column that usually progresses from small deviations and get gradually worse. The extent of the deformations often stops at a moderate stage, but can in some cases get very severe.

The deformation can be sidewise, rotational, foreward or backward, often combined. Often there are deformations at several places in the column in opposite directions so that the severity of the disease is not always discovered before some time. Sideways bendings in a S-shape is typical.

Ideopathic scoliosis is the most common type, and of which one does not know very well the original causes. Ideopathic scoliosis starts some time in childhood, most typically at the pretpubertal stage and pogresses throughout puberty until the growth of the spine is finished, but can get more severe also later. The deformations develop due to unsymmetrical growth in the spinal column, but without any degenarative disease in the spinal structure.

Even though the causes of this kind of scoliosis is not well known, one knows that the tendency to develop scoliosis is to some extent inherited. Chiropractors and cranioscral therapists have a hypothesis that ideopathic scoliosis is caused by blockings that hinder the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the column, the blood flow alomg the column and the functions of the nerves along the colum..These blockings are often thought to be caused by stiffness or scars in the muscular layers, in the tendons and fascial layers around the column, in the meningeal membranes around the spinal cord within the column, or of misalignment in the position of the spines according to each other.

Scoliosis can also be caused by neurological and muscular paralyses or malfunctions, so that the muscles excert a different force on one side than another. Also inflammational or degenerative processes in the spines or cartilages between the spines can cause scoliosis.

The main symptoms of scoliosis is of cource the bendings and twistings in the spinal colomn, but other symptoms also appear that one often recognizes before one sees that the spinal colomn has got an abnormal shape. These symptomns are: Leaning towards ine side, one hip higher than the other. better developed muscles on one side than the other, deformities in the breast cage and unsymmetrical waist. Later one can get back pain.

The diagosis of scoliosis is fairly simple. One looks and feels along the spine while the patient is standig upright to see the curvature. Often the bendings can be seen right away. To be more sure one also lets the patient bend foreward. Where the spine is curved towards one side, one will see a bump on that side of the back, because the bent part of the spine will be pressed outward on that side. By letting the patient do other bends and twistes with the torso, arms and legs, a more complete picture can be made.

During this test the patient must be naked on the back and also on the upper parts of the buttocks. The very best for the diagnosis is a totally naked patient, so that on can also see misalignment of the buttocks that are assosiated with scoliosis, but one usually lets the patient wear underpants and pulls these down more or less at some point in the test.

It is generally recommended that children and teens are examined by such a simple test each year. In many societies this is done in school or at wellchild exams. But parents should do the test on their children themselves to detect a beginning scoliosis as early as possible, at least two times a year.

If scoliosis is detected with such simple tests, and it looks severe enough, one will often do more thorrough examinations, especially with x-ray imaging. If the scoliosis is minimal, one usually will only follow the development to see if it is developing further and how fast it is progressing.

With somewhat more severe deformations the standard treatments are exercises and braces. By scoliosis starting very early, one sometimes uses casting to guide the growth in a right direction. Cranisacral therapists and chiropractors treat scoliosis by manipulations. The manipulations have the aim of taking away mechanical blocks thought to exists around and within the column and thereby reestabishing a healthy growth.

With a more severe development one often performs surgery, by which the cartilages between the spines are removed, the column is stretched out, metallic bars are fastened to the treated sections and bone grafts are placed between the spines so that they grow togeather. The metallic bars will usually remain in place permanently, but can be removed later on if they cause trouble.

By surgery at a very young age, one tend to use bars that can be stretched further out throughout the growth without laying grafts that make the spine stiff.

Surgery imply many hazards for complications both during surgery and during later development, and small or great sections of the spine gets stiff. Often late complications lead to new surgery. A common complication is neurological injuries amd even paralyses. Surgery for scoliosis is therefore not something one shall decide for after just an easy concideration.


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. At his web-site you can find health advices, training supplements, natural products to enhance sexual pleasure, and natural drugs against common diseases, like: Acne and skin problems, allergy, over-weight, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, heart trouble, joint pain and rheumatism, depression, constipation and digestive trouble, cold, flu, men's and women's problems, and more.



Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Source: http://www.eioba.com/a/4gwt/about-scoliosis-how-does-one-diagnose-and-treat-scoliosis

The Possible Truth About The Roswell Incident

By Knut Holt



The object that crashed during the Roswell incident was probably an experimental space capsule carrying involuntary humans as Guinea pigs. The capsule was lifted by balloons and possibly by rocket motors around the edge of it nearly into space, and this was done as an early event in the American space program.

There is a historic incident in USA from 1947 that many believe to be an episode of a crashed alien spaceship, while the government holds it was only a wrecked weather balloon, the Roswell incident.

According to the well-known history one or more alien spaceships with crew crashed outside the town Roswell in New Mexico in 1947. There is several versions of the history that point to more than one crash over a period in this area and these versions seem to have been blended together in the history currently told. According to the history some civilians saw the crashed vehicles and dead alien beings inside the ship. They reported it to the authorities, and a military unit came and transported the material away to a nearby base. At the base one also performed autopsies of the alien beings, an event that was witnessed by several persons.

The military at first issued a public report that an alien ship with crew had crashed, but soon thereafter this report was withdrawn, and after several attempts of explaining the incident away, the authorities stuck to a dummy explanation about the crash of a weather balloon. It is obvious that something more complicated and much more interesting than the crash of a weather balloon had occurred. The number of independent witnesses telling detailed accounts, including descriptions of advanced technology, and the original news bulletin from the military clearly show that something quite extraordinary had happened. But the crashed object was probably not an alien spaceship, Here is the most probable explanation:

The things that crashed were one, or several, disk-shaped experimental space capsules, that were used in an early secret part of the American space programs to investigate both technological approaches and the reactions of humans during travel in space. Because the program was secret, the capsule did not have any marks of identification.

In the capsules there were a number of humans used as involuntary Guiana pigs. The people used were children and teenagers taken from mental hospitals or institutions for handicapped kids. The type of humans chosen for the experiment were mostly in good health physically and mentally, except that they were mentally retarded and suffered from some genetic abnormality that resulted in short growth. The government possibly regarded these individuals as the most easy to get hold of, the most easy to control and there were little chance that they could come out with a history the public would believe afterwards. By using short-grown individuals, one also needed a smaller capsule and less material for the experiments.

The capsule were lifted so high up in the sky as possible, to the near edge of space itself with balloons. It is even possible that they were lifted even further with rocket motors around the edge of the capsule. Then the capsules were let fall and descend to ground in parachutes.

During this flight the physical and mental reactions of the individuals were monitored to get experimental data about the human reactions to flight in space, and it was the plan to examine them thoroughly after landing. It is probable that several more such experiments with involuntary children or teens were conducted, that happened to be successful, and that one managed to keep secret.

For the crashed capsule the experiments got wrong so that the capsule got astray and crashed because the parachutes did not work well either. The crashed and partially destroyed capsules with the humans inside were found by some civilians and taken care of by military troops that were not aware of these secret experiments. They thought they had found a crashed alien spaceship with alien crew. The dwarf-like anatomy of the human Guiana pigs added to that confusion. The part of the military that took care of the material at the first place, sent out a public announcement that a crashed spaceship with aliens had been retrieved, and even performed autopsies of the supposed crew.

But after a while the misunderstanding was discovered and the units responsible for the experiments took over. Then they sent out several versions of denial and dummy explanations as part of the cover-up. The dummy explanation they at last settled upon is that of a crashed weather balloon,

Since then a massive mythology around the incident has been built up, a mythology that the government denies, but still helps the cover-up of the real truth. Also those caring for the mythology do not want the truth to be revealed, because they exploit it economically.

Apart from the many witnesses a certain movie depicting the autopsy of one of the beings was made. The filmed autopsy is false. Still the movie supports the explanation give here in a special way. The alien being subjected to autopsy does not resemble an alien as people usually thinks about them, which would be the natural case in such a faked movie. Instead it resembles a human with some kind of dwarf syndrome. This suggests that the people that made the film had got information from somebody that had witnessed such an autopsy and that the person laying on the autopsy table was a human with such a handicap.

It is obvious that one must have done a long series of experiments with space capsules and rockets before the first official space travel took place, and highly probably some of these would have failed in this way and the failure been witnessed.

Also the American space program did not begin from scratch, but was built upon a former German rocket engineering program conducted by the Nazi regime, which makes it probable that experimental space capsules were made ready for test already in 1947, and the capsules used might even have been retrieved from Germany. The scientists participating and leading the American program were also for the most parts German scientists relocated to USA by the Paper Clip ordeal. It seems probable that these scientists would perpetrate their routine of using involuntary human Guiana pigs.


Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. He also has the hobby of investigating mysterious events. At his web-site you can find health advices, training supplements, natural products to enhance sexual pleasure and potency, and natural drugs against common diseases.


Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Possible-Truth-About-the-Roswell-Incident&id=9467255

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