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Date Posted: 07:06:59 10/11/04 Mon
Author: Rachel p.1-2
Subject: Silent to the Bone

Silent to the Bone is a book about two friends, Conor and Branwell when suddenly Branwell goes silent after he is confronted with perhaps harming his half-sister Nikki while the baby-sitter is there and is supposedly the reason the six-month girl is now in a coma. Branwell is moved to a juvie hall where everybody, his father, the guards, his up-tight grandparents try to get him to talk about what happened, or just to say anything. Another person who tries to get Branwell to talk was Bran's friend-since-always, Conor Kane. Conor figures out a way to communicate with Bran without talking and is soon discovering how deep Branwell's silence went, what he was hiding even when he was still talking. Silent to the Bone is told in first person by Conor Kane and can be somewhat frustrating, waiting for something monumental to happen, (which does.) Not my totally favorite read but still an interesting book, I rate this 261 page book *** out of *****

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