Author: Helge Setetrang
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Date Posted: 07/ 9/18 6:48:40am
Please see further down for some interesting thoughts about society, science, politics and philosophy
About plants, spaces and other natural substances you can use to get more intensive sexual pleasure and imcrease your libido and abilities:
Pills, balms, tools and toys to amplify sexual libido, ecstasy, pleasure and strength, and to magnify or reshape the penis or the breasts.
Drugs to make you physically younger, slimmer and better shaped, and thereby enhance both beauty and capabilities.
Radio controlled airplanes, helicopters, drones cars, boats, blimps and UFOs.
Parts to repair, clean, groom or enhance your car, and things to make the journey with the car more comfortable. Also loading equipment and workshop tools.
Computers, phones, screens, auditory equipment, periferials and components for affordable prices
Natural medicines to help for common ailments, as: hemorrhoids, constipation, hypothyroidism, over-weight, urinary tract infection, PMS, rostata issues, weak heart and circulation, arthritis, fibromyalgia, yeast infection, cold and flu, asthma, allergies, hay fever, acne, rosacea, vitiligo, eczema, depression, poor memory and concentration, brittle bones and more
Nice jewelry and quality watches made of diamonds, rubys, sapphires, opals, clear and colored quartz, gold, silver, platina and many other noble materials.
The CPS system or child protective system in NORWAY and USA: In Norway the CPS system snaps away children in great numbers each ear. They come home to homes, together with the police and just take thc hild away, and they do not need any warrent in this hell of a country, or they do it in schools. The Norwegian CPS system drains huge amounts of money from the public budget to do so, and each year demand even more money. And they use all the capacity they have to rob children from families.
But of cource, even whith the large budget they have, they cannot take all the children they want. Therefore they cherrypick families or parents they think is vouneerable and children suited for their own purpooses. Children taken are extensively used as guinea pigs in research projects by big pharma and the like, and are given to influential people for the gratification of these, an of cource the CPS agents are utterly corrupt. If you are influential in Norway, you can buy children from the CPS system. If you are not influential,your children are likely to be taken.
Teachers, doctors, kindergarten personal, priests, therapists and whoever has some duty regarding the chikdren cooperate with this system. What I tell here about Norway, is directly related to what you tell about USA, because the CPS system in USA and its allies work in a thight brotherhood, or perhaps rather sisterhood, netork.
What do you get if you electrolyse NAHCOO
If it occurs in a watery solution the overall reaction is
2 HCOO- , 2 Na+, 2 H2O render 1 oxalic acid HCOO-OOCH, 2Na+ , 2 OH- and 1 H2
I write Na+ at both sides because it is consumed but also regenerated.
What you get is a blend of dissolved oxalic acid and sodium hydroxide.
At the anode two HCOO- parts will deliver an electron and combine to oxalic acid
At the cathode two Na+ will gain an electron, and be converted to two neutral sodium atoms, but these will react with two water molecules so that two Na+ is reformed, and one hydrogen molecule and two OH- will be produced.
If you electrolyse melted NaHCOO, you will simply get oxalic acid at the anode and sodium metal at the cathode.
Many findings point to advanced societies at the coat zones and other icefree places during the ice age, that were destroyed when the ice melted. But pieces of the knowledge possessed than seem to have been preserved and utilized during antiquity, before it was all forgotten during the middle ages.
If the universe is just emergent information qbits, as some popular therories say, then there must be a mechanism that makes it emerge and that must be very complex. Furthermore these theories do not explain how this mechanism works. Therefore theories about the universe being just emergent information add something so gross to the picture that they seem highly unlikely to be true. These theories as they ere descreibed surely must be wrong and I do not think these scientists propagating the theories really believe in this picture themselves, but like people to believe it. Still the
mathematical framework in these theories possibly say something true about the universe that must exists as a real thing, and not just as information pieces generated by something deeper that have to be impossibly gross. Besides that, thinking of everything being information is a cultural and psychological psychosis in our time that seems to be contagious just like fundamentalist religion.
In steadily more societies children and teens are called in for a mandatory health inspection done under general anesthesia where all body openings are subjected to endoscopic inspections, the vital parts of the body are inspected with x.rays and ultrasound and neurological testing using electrodes and computerized recordings are done.
But at the same time one places one or more micrcochips into the body of the kids without they or the parents knowing it so that the wheareabouts and , body functions and body use can be followed nonstop by central authority units. It happens in USA and all parts of the World with a tight connection to USA. Often this ordeal is also performed secretly when a kid is under anesthesia for other known reasons, like dental work, tonsillectomy and other small procedures.
I do not think quantum mechanics contributed anything to the invention of transistors, as often claimed. What contributed were simple knowledge about chemical bonds in crystals, the role of electrons in these bonds, and a lot of empirical measurements. Those inventing transistors surely knew about QM, but transistors can be understood well conceptually without knowing anything about QM, and at that time the tools for calculations using QM on these applications were not there. Nowadays I think QM calculation is used more for such purposes, though.
A network of highly powerful computers is a growing means to control every individual on earth. Some claim this is done by quantum computers. But you do not need quantum computers do do that. Also really workable quantum computers do not exist. To bring in this element in the discussion, is either a misunderstanding or a deliberate element to create confusion.
An element in this network are chips implanted into individuals. This is already being done much more than thought. In many communities especially kids and teens are called in to an extensive health-assessment done under general anesthesia. During this assessment they are inspected endoscopically through all body openings. And at the same time secret chips are placed at one or more places in their body. in other cases chips are placed when kids are under anesthesia for some other real or fake purpose.
About Venus, possible life there and UFOs
The Venetian atmosphere is so dense that it is more like a liquid ocean and the upper realms of this ocean has pleasant temperatures. The assumption of something living there is very logic.I would say it as strongly as this: I life evolved on Venus, it has adepted, it has evolved, and it is there still. But I do not think there are any sivilization on Venus. But if a sivilization evolved to be advanced enough on this planet, it has moved from the planet and is now dwelling in spatial colonies in the solar system .If some of the UFOs really belongs to foreign visitors, these visitors are highly likely nomadic tribes in our solar system once originated on Venus.?
Sweden and Norway on the way to male sex illegal
Of course this is not anything they can do in one gasp. They take it step by step.
The last stage in Sweden is to make it illegal to have sex if both parts has not agreed by a clear Yes or contract for each time, that can be proven in a court.
And in Norway they discuss to do the same, and I know that when Sweden takes one step, Norway tend to take two steps.
What is not said is that one also are gradually establishing a realtime surveillance of everything every Scandinavian is doeing at home and elsewhere at any tine. This is already mostly done by the use of cameras and recordings from mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices. But all this must be wired to central surveillance stations in each village and community, and chipping of all ordinary citizens are planned, but so far not mentioned publicly.
This is now being done massively in Norway. One of the things they do with this surveillance is of course a truetime surveillance of any sexual activity done by Norwegians and Swedes, regardless of sex and age.
Knut Holt
Well, I have left Norway, This country and Swedwn has degenerated to a laboratory for all kind of international globalist and deepstate affaires.
One often hear about how gullible Americans are regarding own government and consequently the belief in the absolute benevolent attitude of own government, based on a national pride which again is based on false facts, and about how this gullibility prevents Americns from understanding the truth about the 09/11-event as an event staged by the government.
Being Norwegian, I can tell you that the Norwegian people is even worse brainwashed and even more victims of deception than Americans. And the same is true with Sweden. Nearly every piece of news reported to the Scandinavian people has been sifted through the same censorship you have in the mainstream media in USA, and no alternative views are allowed to get expressed in any extent. Norway has a lot of paragraphs in its network of laws that make any alternative meaning illegal according to some criteria. But these paragraphs are only used as emergency tools when some alternative view threaten to become common in the population. Mostly alternative views are allowed to be expressed in a small scale, but hindered to be expressed in a greater scale by all kind of clever technicalities. Because of this there are very few Norwegians that understand that the 09/11-event was a staged event even though this country and its people has been pulled into the consequences of the events perhaps even more than Americans.
The Norwegian oil company Statoil Changes its name to Equinor. It sounds fine except it sounds like a company selling horses.or horse equipment.
The deeper objective behind circumcision is to make it less easy for boys and men to enjoy sexuality and thereby make masses of frustrated males. These frustrated males are then easier pray to propaganda and deception of every kind and easier to recruit as soldiers, because circumcision creates a permanent aggressiveness, that however may be shielded on the subconsciousness. Apart from that, foreskin of boys are a merchandise on the international tissue market. Apart from this, circumcision is one of several services children are subjected to that in most cases are unnecessary or harmful, like orthodontics, wisdom teeth surgery, tonsillectomy, ADHD medication, and even appendicectomy when no appendicitis is present.?
What QM actually teaches is the probability of a particle or system to be at different places or different states when it interacts with another particle or system A measurement is an observed interaction, but measurements do not differ from other interactions by other means that it is observed. Unfortunately even top physicists tend to explain to the public that the mind of the observer determines the outcome, even though they hardly believe that themselves. One can wonder why they propagate this deception. It surely has some deeper political objectives. Then one can ask where and how the particle is and does between interactions. It is stupid to think that the particle has no reality in between, which also many top physicists tend to declare for the public, even though they seldom believe in that either. But the reality must be a kind that contradicts relativity.
Always when time comes up in discussion about cosmology and physics, one describes or even explains time with concepts that already have time as an intrisic component, which will never give any deeper understanding. When you for example ask why time is always rolling forewards, you use an action word, roll, which itself contains an element of time in its meaning, and then you comes nowhere with your description.?
A liquid in contact with a solid surface will get a convexly curved surface if the forces between the molecules of the liquid is greater than the forces between the liquid molecules and the solid surface. In the opposite case the liquid will be spread evenly over the surface. A typical example of the first is water on metal, and of the last oil on a metal.
About Dildos and Vibrators and How to Use Them
Dildos are long and smooth objects suited for gentle insertion into the vagina or the anus in order to stimulate oneself or your partner sexually.
They are to be found in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are made to resemble a penis and others are shaped in a practical way for general stimulation or for stimulation of specific points like the G-spot or the prostate. They can be made stiff, elastic or flaccid.
A vibrator is any vibrating device made for sexual stimulation. Often a dildo with an electric vibrating machinery inside is just called a vibrator.
Whatever your specific use, you should choose a dildo made of strong material, it should not have any sharp angles, it should be smooth and the parts of the device should be assembled together tightly and solidly. A flaccid dildo should not be too flaccid so that it does not curl up inside you. A simple and solid dildo is often better than many of the fancily shaped dildos you can get in the market.
If you are unfamiliar with use of dildos, it is best to choose a thin one as a beginners device. When you have more experience, you can gradually begin using thicker sizes. When doing so, you will often experience that the thick dildos do not necessarily give stronger feelings, but rather other kind of feelings, and therefore you will still have use for your thin dildos.
When using the dildo, either the dildo or your intimate opening should be lubricated with a good lubricant. Dildos made of latex or other elastic materials should be lubricated with a water-based lubricant since oils can destroy the material in these. Dildos made of plastic, metal or glassy materials are best lubricated with an oily lubricant.
A dildo used in the anus should never be used in the vulva or vagina afterwards without being washed well, since the female organs are sensitive to bacteria.
When using the dildo, set the tip against your opening and press gently so that it glides smoothly inside. Then you gradually insert it steadily deeper until it has come to the deepest point you want to have it. To increase the stimulation you can also insert it stepwise, by pushing it some way in, then pulling it a little less outwards again many times.
When deep inside, the most basic way of stimulating yourself is to repeatedly pulling it some way out and pressing it in again towards the deepest areas. Do so gently at first but gradually intensify your actions until your feelings reach a peak. Then relax some time and begin doing the same again.
If the dildo have capabilities of vibration, those can be used to add further pleasure. Screw up the strength of the vibration gradually until you find the strength that pleases you must. It is often very pleasant to just lay still some time with a gently vibrating dildo inside yourself and just feel the stimulation from the dildo.
You can also set the tip of the dildo against specific points. A woman having it in her vagina can point it upwards at the vaginal wall to stimulate the G-spot by massaging movements. A man having it in his anus can do the same against his prostate or just at the backside of his prostate. Both sexes have some very sensitive areas in the deep parts of the anus. Those areas actually give the greatest feelings by means of a very gentle massage and tickling with the dildo tip.
A couple can use a dildo as an element in the foreplay. You can begin by teasing up your partner with a gentle teasing and massage outside the intimate opening of your lover with the dildo. Then gently tease your lover further up by taking the dildo in and out several times, and eventually take it down to the deepest level s of your lovers inside and masturbate your lover internally at a deep level.
Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, please see his web-site:
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Resemblances between Indoeuropean and Semitic, especially the vowel apophony
The Indoeuropean apophony was fully grammaticalized already at the earliest stage of the family that one can reconstruct. It seems like it originated as sound changes, but one does not really know when these chages occured. They must therefore have occured in a much earlier stage, and that stage could have been an earlier proto-language that also other language families originated from.
The apophony therefore possibly orginated in a remote proto-language or dialect continuum from which also Semitic and the other Afroasiatic languages arouse. But the grammaticalization process of cource occured differently in those than in Indo-european.
If Nostratic was a wide dialectical continuum in the Middle East, Indo-european and Semitic possibly originated from neighbouring areas in that continuuem, the southern Aforasiatic languages from the southernmost area, and the Uralic and Altaic languages from the Northernmost part. Such a scenario explains the fact that Indo-european in some respects resamble Uralic, while in other respects Semitic.
It is simply a physical fact that the WTC towers did not fall from the impact by the planes or the fire, There was a controlled internal demolition. Still the plane impact was real, and the planes were hijacked by religious fanatics, but these fanatics was somehow controlled or helped by an internal conspiracy. These fanatics exists, and the deep state will naturally make use of them. It is said that it looks like the nose of the plane escaped through the building intact from the videos which is interpreted as the videos are fake. But what comes out, is probably particles from the plane and the building itself in a shape like a cone The concrete in the buildings smashed the planes, but some of the fragments went through the building through the windows.
Hitler was surely responsible by ordering things to happen, but he got most of his ideas from others, and others were responsible to letting him into power so that these ideas could be realized, and to allowing him to continue, and he got support also from leaders in UK, USAm other nations, and from certain profesional fields, first and foremost the psychiatry.
When I visited Disneyland some years ago, I got really disappointed. It conists mostly of stations with mostly a commersial contentd, but with a shell of rather plat entertainment or educational content.
Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood. The polls are a part of a contuous investigation going on to find out what authorities do with kids and adults, but seldome talk about.
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about. If the lonks are not active, please copy them and use them in the address fields of your browser.
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:
Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:
Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias
Americans- please tell in my unbiased poll who you would vote for if rhe presidential election was today
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