Nika, Pan, Angel, and Skye
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Date Posted: 16:38:56 12/16/02 Mon
In reply to:
White Fang
's message, "Looks around the empty tt wanting to make it bright again." on 16:03:40 12/12/02 Thu
[me don't know...if you go onto the main wolves board it's there..]
Nika approached White Fang, nuzzling him softly before laying beside him. Angel walked up, her son Skye her shadow -as usual- following along, both looking worn.
Pantalaimon himself came next, sneering at them. He appraoched White Fang, a mocking smile'pon his maw By right the terra is mine, I fought for it and succeeded.
Nika whined and stood, raising her head and tail Over my dead body..
Pan's lips drew away from his teeth Is that so.
His muscls tihtened andhe just slightly leaned back on his haunches as if to leap.
Skye leaped between the rightful alphas and the poser, his fur bristling. Back down, pup!
I'm no pup, Pan snarled, snapping at Skye.
Skye barrled into the larger wolf, tackling him backwards away from the alphas and his mother.
The two tumbled in the snow and snarls and whines could be heard as they scuffled.
They drew away from each other, both bristling and snarling. Pan -whom was larger, and posioned with evil- seemed the least bit wounded, whilst Skye -whom was older, and smaller- suffered a gash across his muzzle.
Suddenly, the usually silent, Angel spoke up Enough!
She seemed to be alight with life fora moment as she leaped between them.
She had seemed to desterioate heavily after RD's absence, becoming estranged in which she was against those she loved, and now..the silent one.
No more! Pantalaiomon you fool! Leave these lands, you belong in the realm of evil, not here!
Pan snarled at his aunt Who listens to you anymore? Who would listen to the Insane One?
Skye growled and tried to pass his mother who stood between them, but the femme puhed her sonback, the vixen a barricade between them, her gaze holding both still.
Nika watched, her muzzle wrinkled, unsure of what to do..she didn't want to hurt her son...
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