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Date Posted: 18:10:15 08/27/12 Mon
Author: Gus
Subject: Champ of Champs

For continuity purposes and in all honesty fairness to all involved Smithy is and was crowned Champ of Champs last Saturday. The original criteria to qualify for that honour was that you had to win an event to qualify and the simple fact remains Menzo did not win an event prior to last Saturday and you can't qualify for an event once it has already started.

I thought the reason the nights stay over wasn't handed to Smithy was because that prize was opened up to everyone that had either won an event or supported the tour for 10 events or more...or am i wrong in thinking that?

So, in my opinion the Champ of Champs is Smithy and his name should be on the honours board but going forward the criteria for qualification could be altered to include winners and significant supporters of the society so that we only need one competition for the end of year finale.

But, and this is the bit that probably causes the confusion, if the qualification rules for the Champ of Champs was changed to 'winners and players who had participated in 10 events or more' then by definition Menzo qualified for the Champ of Champs prior to the event starting on Saturday and should be crowned as such.

So, was mezo in the Champ of Champs or was he in the Chump of Chumps but qualified for the stay away through his support for the society?

In my opinion it depends on what the final qualification rules were for the 'Champ of Champs' and whether everyone was aware of this (to be honest i wasn't) before the first ball was hit on Saturday.

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