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Rose Meadow
You enter the meadow, and see a beautiful ground, full of thornless, beautiful, edible roses. They shine like a beacon from the ground, sending a beautiful aura of color over the land. They seem to smile at you, as if you are meant to lead them. The king stands before you, then leaves saying only "This is Desert Rose. She doesn't have a mate yet, and she is very beautful as you can see." The stallion leaves then, and Desert Rose approaches you. You can tell by her conformation that she is an Appy mare, and a beautiful one at that. She smiles at you. Her smile is more sweet and pure then the roses themselves. The stallions that come here feel compelled to ask her to be their mate, though some resist the temptation... shall you ask? After all... the difference could be five words... Only she will know... the Rose of the Desert.
Lead Stallion=
Lead Mare=
Alpha Stallion=?
Alpha Mare=?
Beta Stallion=?
Beta Mare=?
Gamma Stallion=?
Gamma Mare=?
Omega Stallion=?
Omega Mare=?
Lead Colt=?
Lead Filly=?
News=I've just updated the boards, does everyone like?
Birthdays=none... Birthdays are posted here and at the message board by the OWNER.
Be active please people... and live a good life here. Attention Soul you are now lead steed of the royal tt, adn as for u Dr you r kicked out do to unreliable nature, so long

Subject Author Date
Mozilla Firefox 9.0.1 Free Download For Windows 7laquydar10:18:35 01/25/14 Sat
Edwins Restaurant Best Caribbean Feast in CanadaSanita John00:37:09 04/02/12 Mon
No I am not!!!!! (NT)DR!!!!!14:51:06 06/27/01 Wed
No I am not!!!!! (NT)DR!!!!!14:52:08 06/27/01 Wed

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