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Date Posted: 22:02:48 06/24/03 Tue
Author: Row & Dance
Subject: ~THe Treasure Is Hidden Within~
~Can She Have This Dance?~
In reply to: A little fall of rain & Destino corrupto 's message, "~A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now~" on 21:57:36 06/24/03 Tue

*the small chestnuts head shot up suddenly at the sight of the colt, she let out a quiet whicker and stepped closer to him in disbelief, her voice was a joyful yet confused whisper when she finally spoke* Destin! I though you were dead... *she let out another whicker, a little bit louder this time, then suddenly closed the space between them with a single stride, jumping forward to nuzzle him gently*

*the buckskin filly hung back, watching her friend silently, she nodded her thanks to the lead mare, not speaking, ever since her mother had deserted her and her father when she was only four months old she had rarely ever spoken, the only one who could get her to open up was Row*

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