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Date Posted: 18:26:35 08/22/05 Mon
Author: No name
Subject: ~

**Way to Go Sabrina!!!**

WOW!!!! Thank you Mrs. Gloria for an awesome pageant. It was my First National and I had an absolute blast!!! You gave out awesome gifts. I could not believe what nice presents I received. I loved my crown and banner. I covered up with my robe all the way home. I loved the pageant.
Mr. Tim, you scared me at first, but I fell in love. You are absolutely awesome! Mommy said I probably got on your nerves saying hey to you everytime I seen you, but you are just too cute. I can not wait to see you again.
Ms. Nicki thank you for your encouraging words. Thank you for helping change the flat tire we got on the way there. Who ever says you do not care, IS WRONG!!!! You got all dirty helping us change that tire!!! Thank you for the awesome makeup, you made my eyes sparkle like never before!!! Really you are awesome and thank you for everything that you have done for us!! You are a great coach. Also, thanks for bringing my shoes to me on stage when I went up without them to get my title!!!
Ms. Megan, I am so glad that I got to compete with you. I know it was my begging you all the way up there that made you compete (lol). I do love seeing you on stage. I want to be just like you when I grow up. You are my idol and you are the best coach ever. I am so LUCKY to have a coach as great as you. I know you think I am real LUCKY too!!! (LOL, Horse Shoe) I could not be where I am today without your help and encouragement. You put up with me when everyone else would have thrown their hands up. I owe my title to you. My first National and I was able to stand on that stage with you as Royalty. Thank you for everything.
Ms. Bobbie, WOW!!! BEST DRESS TWO WEEKS IN A ROW!!! You are the best. My hair looked awesome. Mommy cried when I was in line up because you and Ms. Nicki had made me absolutley stunning. My casual wear got awesome scores again. I hate it is too small now, but I know you will make me another winning Casual Wear. Even though it was a little rough this weekend, you still held my mom up and helped us get through it. When they called my name out for Novice, you and my mom screamed like never before. I thought something was wrong when I saw you guys crying. Now I know you two were just so proud of me!!! You guys even sent me up there with no shoes in all of the excitement. You are the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for everything.
Thank you Ms. Angie for my awesome tan. I was so happy to meet the rest of your family!!! Thank you Olivia Paige for playing with me and Isabella in the pool on Saturday night. I had fun and I know we wore you out. I have asked mommy to put your autographed centerfold on my wall in my room so I can always remember you. I enjoyed meeting all my new friends this past weekend. I can not wait until the next one, although I know my mommy can wait.

Sabrina Pendergrass
Elite All American Miss Nationals
5 - 10 Novice Supreme
Best Smile
Best Dress
Best Hair
Most Beautiful
Out Fit of Choice Winner
1st Runner Up Swimwear

Majestic Banners

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